Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wed. 5/7 - update

Today was a pretty good day overall. He slept great again last night, and is getting used to being "hooked up" here at Nana & Grandaddy's. Again, we had a few moments of pain, but not as much as days past. He may have only thrown up once, I believe. We also had a BIG day in that he had his first BM in 4 days!! The drs. did an x-ray Mon. before we left the hospital and said he looked ok (no stool build up). But, we have been getting a little concerned. So, we know things are going through. Hopefully he will go more frequently now and not wait 4 days each time. He was in a pretty good mood most of the day as well. A few times he and Reagan really played like they used to. It was so good to see and hear that. (didn't last too terribly long, but I know it was good for the both of them) This evening as we were eating, he saw chips and asked for one. He ended up eating 3. I watched his G-tube pretty carefully because I knew "Julio's (spicy) chips" is not something we want settling in his stomach right now. Psychologically, it was good for him to "think" he was eating them though. ha!

Today Megan and Xan left. It was a very emotional morning. On one hand, it was so sad to have to say good-bye (not knowing when we'll see them again), but on the other, we were happy for them to be reunited again as a family. Thank you for ALL you did Megan. My dad was looking for you when it was time to clean up the kitchen this evening...ha! And, wouldn't you know it, Caleb was pretty fussy today. He knew you were gone and was so sad!

It's VERY late tonight. Everyone is in bed but me. We pray for another good day tomorrow!

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Megan saying good-bye to Caleb

Thank you Megan and Xan!!
We will miss you more than you


Anonymous said...

Hey Caed
I am so happy you ate chips today it is awesome! I pray for healing and that you will not throw up anymore. Also i pray for a trip home real soon. I love you guys so so so so so so so much and miss you to.
addie 3am

Anonymous said...

Lori, Your writing is such a blessing to increases my faith and helps me keep perspective on things going on in my own life. Thank you so much for keeping us all in the loop!

My prayer today is full of gratitude for Caed being at his Nana's house! I pray that his spirit will be more at peace and he'll be more at ease and happy...and for that to carry over to his body. We want a happy digestive system!
Love to all! Amy O.

Anonymous said...

Whoever thought a mom would be happy with her 4 year-old eating only chips for dinner? Amazing how our perspective changes.

Have a great - normal - day!

Your prayer partner in Albuquerque,

Unknown said...

Lori, I finally figured out how to leave a comment! As I sit up at 2:30 AM because Jillian is sick and has woken me up for the fourth time tonight, I think of how you must feel to take care of a baby, a first grader, and a sick little boy. I've been praying for Caed and will continue to pray for him, but I will be sure to pray for you and your family also. I will pray for peace, strength and patience for you all. You are in my thoughts. When you get back home, we'd love to set up a playdate. Joseph has asked about Caed and Reagan often. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Take care!

Kim Phillips