One prayer request in particular would be for me. At the hospital we were basically taking 12 hr. shifts. We at least had time each day to "get away" a little bit. Now, things are 24/7!! He is doing better (not "normal" by any means), and is sleeping VERY well at night and nap time. However, the rest of the day is pretty constant. Sometimes he will go for longer periods than others, but usually I can't go far (even another room). He can be totally fine one minute (laughing, etc...) and then the very next, screaming out in pain or anger/frustration. Someone has to be right there at all times. With Todd out of town a lot now, most of the responsibility is on me. Please just continue to pray for me for strength, patience, and a calm spirit. There are times I get frustrated very easily. I am SO thankful to be home, and I firmly believe he's getting better because of it, but it sure is a lot MORE work. Also pray for Todd. He is back in Celina 5 days a week. His heart is here w/ Caed and our family, and he wishes he could be of more help. I know he feels pulled in two directions.
As draining as it can be at times, I am very thankful to be here. I have LOVED having more time with Reagan and Caleb! I have missed them so much! These past 2 months, Todd and I would usually only see them 2-3 times a week. It is so good to "learn" Caleb again. (his likes, dislikes, routine, etc...) Still don't have it totally down, but I'm getting there.
Thank you for continuing to pray! We had such a blessed day today!
Nana and the 3 Amigos
I am loving see all of you together! I can only imagine how overwhelming it can be, so I continue to pray. Let us know when we can come see yall! Love ya,
Lori, I pray for you guys nightly!! I feel like God has put this on you to show your strength to others who might need it someday. You are a blessing to read about every day - and I do, religiously!! I will continue to pray for your spirit and body!!
Melissa Ballard
Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put him down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom.
Happy Mother's Day Lori!
I found this poem; I think it says a lot about being a mom.
Isn't God wonderful! I am so glad that Caed is away from the hospital and doing well. We will continue to be one of many prayer warriors, for you and your family.
Father God,
THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOUR NAME! It is so good to see Caed looking and acting like a little boy.
Father, I pray that his times of pain and discomfort continue to lessen; that the G tube drains less and less; that the vomiting stops completely; that his appetite increases; and that his digestive tract works better and better.
Continue to be with Lori as the primary caregiver. I pray for her strength, but also for chances for her to get away for a couple hours here and there.
Be with Todd in his ministry. Thank you for the church family they serve and minister to and with.
I pray most of all that this entire period of their lives would be for Your glory and praise.
In Your Son's name,
My Sunday School kids are going to be thrilled to see Caed's pictures.
Your prayer partner in ABQ,
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