Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sat. 5/18 - update

I'm going to post early tonight, so maybe I can get to bed at a decent time. Our day has been "eventful." I have already told you about our night ("Hear My Cry, Lord"). The day has continued to be the same. Lots of screaming, crying, throwing up, etc... The anxiety/anger/fear produces crying which in turn produces the throwing up. We are hoping this is the explanation for all the vomiting. Caed's TPN started leaking this morning (the "clave" is the connector between the broviac tube and the medicine line). That's where it was leaking from. We tried many different things. However, after his nap this afternoon I was hooking up a new med and it started leaking blood. They had told us when we left the hospital the first time that if we ever saw blood from the broviac to go to ER. I called our HH nurse, and she told me to do the same. So....about 3:30 we headed BACK to hospital!! I truly didn't think I could continue on at that point. I was asking God, "WHY??? WHY??" Not now. Things were going so well! When we got there they rushed us into the trauma room and about 4 nurses and the dr. came flying in. It definitely didn't help my already high anxiety level. They did a chest x-ray to see if the line was ok. While waiting for those results, we started believing it was just the clave that had a crack in it. Easy fix. Finally, they put a new one on, and that was it! So....we got to come home. While we were loading Caed in the van, we ran into Dr. Goldthorn in the parking lot. What an awesome God! That definitely wasn't coincidence. She wasn't even on call this weekend. We were able to talk to her about some of our concerns (Caed's mental well-being primarily). She said she would call someone she knew who specializes in Pediatric Behavior. Hopefully we will hear something soon and can begin the process now of healing Caed's mind. (which affects his body) Right now he is outside feeding Timmy (the pond turtle). He is calm as of now. I pray he can stay that way. Thanks for praying!!!! We love you all!!

Caed and Grandmother Mitchell
feeding the turtle

Reagan & Bergan (aka. Hannah Montana)


Anonymous said...

Lori, You give me such perspective on my own life with this blog. I was just complaining to myself about my day...Nathan has a fever and I'll be taking him to to doctor, picking up medicine..and all the other things I have to do....moan and groan! But then I remember everything you're going thru...a very sick child, having to take Caed BACK to the ER, being away from home, and just keeping up with the every day of life! I truly cannot imagine. I have been praying and will continue to do so...but I have decided that whenever I begin to worry, complain or have fear about my own circumstances, I am going to stop and use that time praying for your family! I hope you know how much we all love you!
Amy O.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord Jesus,
Hear our prayer oh Lord, as we are hungry for you. We are waiting for you. We seek your presence. Holy Spirit fall on me. Touch us Lord. It is your love that captures us.

As we come before your throne, we put our trust wholely in you. We stand in your presence requesting your wisdom putting on the mind of Christ for little Caed.

We speak the mind of Christ to Caed. As he wars this battle himself, we gird him and ourselves with the full armor of God. As you spoke to us in your Word, we prepare ourselves for this battle.

We put on the new man, realizing the old man Adam has been forgiven and we walk in the newness of life. So as we have received the new man, we put on the mind of Christ.

We put on the helmet of salvation, the breatplate of righteiousness, our loins girded in truth, our feet shod in the preparation of the gospel of peace. We take up the sword of the spirit which is your word as we hide your word in our hearts that we may not sin against you. We take up the shield of faith to fight against the fiery darts of the enemy.

We cast down every deceitful thought and break down every stronghold against our body, our mind and our soul. We bring every thought into the obedience of the Lord Christ Jesus.

Turn us around, we need your forgiveness and grace. You are the only one we need. We come in one accord to renew our strength. We give Praise to you!!

As we stand on your Word, Lord, we speak the mind of Christ to little Caed. We are asking for guidance for a special counselor that can come minister to Caed. Just as we think, so are we. We ask a release for Caed to overcome the pain he has experienced. We speak your rain over him, take his heart, renew and strenghten him to perfect peace in your precious name Lord Jesus.

We know our thoughts can rule our physical body so we are asking your holy spirit minister to Caed's mind for healing to his physical body. We speak your hand to touch him to complete the work you have promised. We anoint his head with your oil. Surely goodness and mercy shall fill him. Amen.

The Richardsons
Randy, Nancy, Hillary and Matt
signing off @ 2:48 am

Anonymous said...

I read Amy O.'s post and could not agree more with all she said! I read it before tucking my kids in bed. Sam got up this morning and had thrown up all the way to my room. It took me a long time to clean it all up. In the meantime, he kept saying, " I am so sorry mommy, I wish I would have made it to the bathroom!" I assured him that this was just what mommy's do. It was not my favorite part of being a mommy, but even this was such a way to show him I love him. I tucked hime back into bed with clean sheets and lots of towels~in case it happened again. He smiled at me and said, "Mommy, is this what it is like for Caed everyday?" I told him yes. He looked at me with sick little eyes and said, " I hate that for him!" Oh how even these children are praying and standing in the gap and sympathizing for you and your family. I guess you could mark us down for the 4am prayer this morning. Sure had you on my heart and mind.
We love, love, love you all! Many blessings sent your way! Hang in there. We are pulling for ya!

Unknown said...

I feel the same way Amy and Lesli do. This blog has made me a much more appreciative and prayerful mother. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. I have truely grown to love you and your family. We will keep praying!
Bridget R.

Melissa & Brooks Barr said...

We love you Todd and Lori. We are praying for all of you. We will pray for Caed's as he deals so much with the emotional state he is in. It makes since that he expresses himself like that. He doesn't know how to let it out and he feels so many things emotionally and physically. He is going through feelings some of us may not ever go through. But this too shall pass and he is so young, he will not remember most of this, I am sure. I know you won't forget anything either. I so appreciate you sharing your thoughts and feeling with us through the blog. It truly is a blessing to see God minister to all who read words from your heart. God is good all the time He is good. I am so sorry you all are suffering right now, and it has been a long road, but I can truly see God has a plan, he is just not finished yet. I do pray for this to end and you all return home. I look forward to seeing you again and that sweet Caleb who has grown so much, I know. God Bless you all.

Brooks and Melissa Barr

Anonymous said...

Dear Todd, Lori and Caed -
I was at the hospital last week and excited to see you got to leave. Caed has continued to be in Kirk and I's thoughts and prayers. I can only imagine the fear a child experiences with so much happening to him and not knowing if he will feel better again.

I have decided after volunteering at the hospital for the past few months that children like Caed are much stronger than I could imagine to be. I am also amazed at the strength of you and Todd. I know you have great faith and great support.

I will continue to pray for Caed's recovery both physically and mentally and God's strength continued for you and Todd.

The Tuesday Lady - Miss Leslie