Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wed. 5/14 - update

Well....we had another full day. It started last night after Caed went to bed. He slept maybe 3-4 hrs. and then began waking up every hour in pain. Finally, around 2:30 am, when I went to him I felt he was burning up with fever. His temp was 103! Then, we noticed his G-tube draining was a green color!! (hasn't drained bile in a long time) So, with those 3 factors: pain, fever, and green drainage, we decided to take him to the ER. They took some blood cultures first off and found that his white and red blood cell counts were normal. Praise God!! Our guess is that there is an infection in his broviac (catheter) again. Those cultures take 24 hrs., so we don't have those results yet. If so, it can be treated with antibiotics again. We also think we uncovered the mystery of the green drainage. While still in the ER, we drained his tube and it came out clear/yellowish (normal). Then, it dawned on me that Caed had taken a few sips of blue PowerAde before we went to bed last night. You know the commercial...yellow and blue make GREEN!! (we have officially learned our lesson - no more blue drinks, snowcones, jello, etc...) Again, we praise God!! The final question was the pain. They decided to admit us back into the hospital so we could have some testing done. (& also wait on the blood culture) We are now on 2nd floor, but we got the big room again! It sure does look different when it's empty! Our GI dr. came in this morning and told us NOT to bring any of our stuff back up here! (meaning...they didn't want to see us having to "live" here again) Caed slept from 6am - noon. He was exhausted! Todd and I got a little sleep as well (45 minutes or so). They came and got us around 12:30 to head for radiology. Caed did pretty good. He still got scared, but we tried to reassure him they just wanted some pictures of his tummy. Instead of him having to drink the barium, they just inserted it into his G-tube. (MUCH better!!) We stayed down there for a series of x-rays for a little over an hour. Dr. G came rushing into our room later this afternoon and was SO excited. She said it moved through his system in the same amount of time it takes a "normal" person. When we have had this done before, they usually bring us back up to the room and then bring a portable x-ray machine all throughout the day and even night. What has taken 12+ hrs. before, took only 1 hr. today! Praise God!! She said she kept thinking she was looking at someone else's x-ray. There is however a small portion of the sm. intestine (duodenum) that looks very irritated. She thinks that might be the cause of some of his pain as well. She will get with our GI drs. and discuss the treatment plan. Also, she said she feels very strongly that he has reflux. (again though something treatable with medicine) She's still concerned with the vomiting, but was VERY encouraged by today's testing. Hopefully it has shed some light on what needs to happen next. His stomach is still sick, but she said it is dumping. (something we weren't so sure of before) He hasn't had a BM now in 5 days! They will give him a heavy duty suppository in the morning. (it has always worked before) They also saw lots of gas throughout the intestine, so maybe that will be helped also by the suppository. We are still a long way from a full recovery, but we took some MAJOR steps forward today. In Lubbock this afternoon it was very stormy. That's how we felt this whole day. (frustrated, scared, sad....) Then, all of a sudden the clouds moved back and the sun shone SO brightly! Again, a reflection of our day after the dr. came to talk with us. Praise God!! The plan as of now is to spend the night here, and hopefully get some answers in the morning about the infection and also a BM! Then, we expect them to let us go back home. She said we could administer the antibiotics there.

Nancy, I think you prayed in your comment today about God sending us a messenger of encouragement. Well, He did!! Over the 66 days we spent here, we thought we had every nurse possible. Nope! God saved one very special one for today! She began sharing with us about her son having 9 surgeries starting at age 4 and everything he went through. She began preaching a was incredible. Such strong encouraging words! She reaffirmed for us that God has a very special calling on Caed's life and we better "get ready!" She told us things that I have heard over and over throughout this whole ordeal, but hearing it today was like God telling it to us for the first time! I cried and thanked her...and then we were off to radiology, not knowing what they would find. Later, after we were back in our room, she came in, grabbed my hand and began praying over Caed. It was JUST what we needed today and we thank God for saving her for just the exact moment we needed it. One thing she reminded us of, and I kept humming the song to Caed down in radiology: "His eye is on the sparrow, so I know He watches me!!!" What started out as such a scary night/day, has now ended in one of PRAISE!!!! Oh Lord, YOU are Faithful!


Anonymous said...

Praise God!! That is awesome news!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! He is so good all the time! This news makes my heart soar! Of course we won't stop praying...our hearts desire is for his little digestive system to work perfectly. But our prayers for Caed's body and for your (Lori and Todd's) strength and encouragement were both answered today! Yea God! We give you all the glory!
Amy O.

Stacey said...

Wooohoooo! Praise God for some encouraging news today! I am so glad to hear a happier update! We've been really, really worried about you guys over the last several days! I'll be praying that you guys get some sleep tonight! Even if it is at the hospital... Please let us know what we can do to help out. We would like to either bring some snacks (at least) or a meal over. We'll give you guys a call about it soon.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of colors, I do think it is time for you to tell Caed how you would take your dog's temperature with the crayons when you were little. I am so thrilled to hear the good news! God bless you all, " May you lie down and sleep and sleep in peace!"
Much love,

Barr said...

Praise God! I just want you to know that I can see God at work through you and Todd. It is difficult to go thru this and praise Him, but I see you doing it! How people go thru this without Him, I don't know. Keep you eyes on Him and trust that He is in control. He is using you to help others! God bless and keep you! Lord we ask that you lay your hands on Caed and heal him, your will be done!

Barr said...

Praise God! I just want you to know that I can see God at work through you and Todd. It is difficult to go thru this and praise Him, but I see you doing it! How people go thru this without Him, I don't know. Keep you eyes on Him and trust that He is in control. He is using you to help others! God bless and keep you! Lord we ask that you lay your hands on Caed and heal him, your will be done!

Anonymous said...

Lori and Todd,
We haven't stopped praying for your precious Caed. Our hearts were jolted today to learn that he was back in the hospital. Your journaling is amazing, Lori. You will never know what an impact this testimony has already been to so many and we can only imagine what God will do with Caed's testimony!! All I could think of tonight as I prayed at the church was hearing Todd's Sunday morning message of seeing circumstances through eternal eyes rather than temporal eyes. What an important and relevant message that is for all of us. May we pray daily to see everything and everyone through the eyes of Christ. Help us to do that minute by minute and hour by hour to rise above the temporal and see the eternal...

Your family and precious little Caed are truly sharing in the sufferings of Christ. And you glorify Him through the journaling that you share with all of us...
Every message helps us know how to pray for you. May you rest in the the arms of the One who loves Caed more than anything for He suffered horribly on that cross for him.

We love you and have not stopped interceding for Caed and all of you everyday. Thank you Lord, for what you have done to bring little Caed this far. We don't understand all of this but we trust you and we give you all the praise and all the glory for what you have done.

Pam Peters

Anonymous said...

Praises to God are being shouted in South Carolina!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Thank You, Father, that Caed's "innards" are starting to move better. Please help the antibiotics to work quickly on whatever is infected in Caed's system.

Thank You, also, for sending that messenger of encouragement to Lori and Todd. It is not coincidence that this nurse just showed up. You sent her for the specific purpose of encouragement and camraderie. As much as Lori and Todd's family and friends are there for them, I know that it helps to have someone who has been through something similar to talk to. In future years, that is what Todd and Lori will be to others. Thank You for ministering to them in this way right now.

Please continue to work Your healing power over Caed's little body and his spirit. It's hard enough for an adult to go through something like this over this length of time. I can't imagine what a 4 year-old little boy who'd previously been healthy thinks with this going on day after day. Thank You for being with him each step, too.

Thank You for that wonderful news from the x-rays. Help today to be 5 steps forward - and no backward ones!

In Jesus,

Psalm 125:1-2, 4
"Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people both now and forevermore. ... Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart."

Psalm 121

"I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip - He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

Your prayer partner in Albuquerque,

Anonymous said...

Todd and Lori, Praise God for the amazing news. You have been through so much and I am so happy for you both and Caed. Hopefully now this will be his road to recovery. We got the postcard/picture of Caed in the mail from Katie. It was wonderful. We are all praying here in Oklahoma City. Wished I was there to come meet Caed so I could be blessed to know him as well. His daddy is a wonderful man as well. I will continue to pray for him and you both as well. Praise God for the blessing!!!
Mistie Stone

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful for the good news on Caed. Our God is an AWESOME God!!!
I read your blog every morning when I get up and just am amazed and in awe of you. You are such an amazing person and have been since I've known you We won't go into how many years.... that just makes me feel old! haha! The impact you are having on not only my life but countless lives is undescribable.
I know I haven't come by much to see you guys but know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers throughout each day. Taylor wants to come by and meet Caed. We talk about you guys everynight when she looks at his pictures on the blog.
Please let me know if you need anything.
I love you and am praying God's healing and rest on you all.

Anonymous said...

As I read your sweet words each day I always tear up and yet cheer for you all at the same time! Thank you for sharing with all of us who are praying so very hard for Caed to get better and well. We will continue to lift you up to the Lord Almighty...With much love, The Juergens (Keaton is very concerned about his buddy and prays for him too!)
"May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26