Monday, May 12, 2008

Mon. 5/12 - update

Another very tough day...

This morning as we drove to the hospital, Caed began crying. We tried explaining that it was just a visit and that Dr. G just wanted to say hello since we hadn't seen her in awhile. The majority of the "check-up" would just be Todd and I talking with the dr. He just didn't seem to understand. She didn't have a lot of new information at this time. We have seen some progress over this past week, but the last 2 days have also been pretty tough. It's just so hard pin-pointing the problem. Several days ago he wasn't throwing up much at all. Now, it's quite frequently. She gave us some things to start trying with his G-tube. We'll see if it makes any difference. We also saw his GI dr. as well. He plans on going down on his TPN some. (I'm guessing now to 18 hrs./day) Then when we got home his nurse came to do her stuff. (draw blood mainly) This little guy had an anxiety-filled day!

Right now as I type, Caed is sitting on the couch with Todd and Reagan and they are laughing, being silly, watching ET (for the 50th time!). You have NO idea how much we cling to these "normal" moments. They don't usually last long. Especially today...Caed was in a lot of pain and threw up quite a bit.

I don't even know what to say. There are days we are on the biggest high and Caed is seemingly doing great! Then, the next thing you know, we're going backwards..... (or so it feels)

God, give us strength to endure these tough days. Give us patience when we don't see progress. Give us unconditional love for Caed when he is "fighting" us. Give us peace through this storm.

Thank you for your words of encouragement and prayers. I know we will get through this! Please pray specifically for tomorrow. We have been given tickets to the Tech baseball game. We truly don't know from one minute to the next how he will do, or if he will even feel like going. I know it would be so good for him and us as a family to just go do something "fun." The game is at 5:00, so please pray that he will feel well enough to go and also able to enjoy some of it. (I feel certain he will not be able to last the entire game)


Anonymous said...

I am ending my night reading about Caed. Tonight has been difficult for me in two very important aspects of my life. It is going to be a long night between me and God. But know that a prayer is being said for Caed to have a great day tomorrow and that Caed will be able to last the WHOLE baseball game!

Anonymous said...

Lori, my name is Jennifer. I used to go out to Roosevelt Baptist, Marilyn told me about your precious son. I wanted you to know that we are praying for Caed and your entire family. The portions of your blog that I have been able to read through my tears is so incredible. Your faith is amazing. If there is anything you need let me know, I have a lot of kid stuff and would be happy to loan anything that would help your family. Have fun at the baseball game!!

Anonymous said...

I pray for so much healing. Caed has thoughs ups and downs but I know you guys will pull through. It is so amazing to hear all the things you talk about and tell us on the blog but sometimes we wish you were home and all fine. God has a purpose we just have to find it. Addie 3am

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lori and Todd:
At this writing it is 3:01 am. Addie will probably win over the time again. Just came in from a delayed turnaround from NY City. So I am a tad late getting home.

Yes Lori, I agree, those precious moments at home with normal life are to be cherished. Every second counts - in those beautiful moments with our children, the time seems to evaporate.

It would be so nice to hold on just a little longer to that time together as a normal family. Whatever that is! I'm not sure I know either sometimes.

But God does. Warts and all. He uses every, every happening, every movement of our day. When we think it is a mistake, God will miraculously turn around that negative word and use it to glorify him.

He is always teaching us, if only we took the time to see His Hand upon that conversation, to learn the truth of what we need to be to Him. To cause intimacy with the Lord and understand His Word. Then as we read His Word, we find forgiveness and treasures we never saw before even though we have read that scripture so many times before in our walk.

But then, it didn't apply to us. But now, it does and it becomes a living Word within us. It is miraculous we finally get it! Well, there I go off again!

Lord,I ask you to direct the path to the Tech game tomorrow for Caed and the family. What a blessing to be out in the beauiful weather. Lord Jesus, we pray for continued delightful weather and your healing hands upon Caed as he tries to be a normal, little boy. We seek your face continually to increase strength for Lori and Todd.

Also for that miraculous healing to Caed's physical body as well as his emotional state. Fill his spirit, soul and mind with your goodness. Thank you for being so mindful of us.

Well, my screen just froze up. I have a feeling it was Addie sending her message. She is focused and direct. Mature beyond her years. She is a blessing to me especially to keep me accountable to pray!

Signing off now! As I look at the time on the computer, 3:49 am, I stand amazed how God honors the hour.

Addie and I are praying at the same hour, so you must receive a double portion of blessings and anointing! As Elisha asked and received the double anointing from Elijah. Why? Because he was persistant. He knew what he wanted and stayed the course with Elijah! So he received the blessing for the rest of his life!

You see, my father's name was Elisha Hill Queen, Jr. So I guess Hillary will receive a multiplied inheritance from her grandfather, especially since he was a JR.

Now is the time to sign off. It truly is 4:01 am. Todd, you could write a sermon on this one! Amen!

TERS! said...

Lori, Todd, Reagan, Caed and Caleb,

Our thoughts are with you in hopes of a "decent" enough day for your family to peacefully enjoy the Tech baseball game... and hopes as always for a recovery!

Love ya,
House of Williams
a.k.a Lee, Teri and Haley

Anonymous said...

I had previously memorized this, but God had me look at it again this morning and I kept dwelling on it during my walk. Now I know why - it's for you all.

Colossians 1:3-6; 9-11

"We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your FAITH in Christ Jesus and of the LOVE you have for all the saints - the faith and love that spring from the HOPE that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the Word of truth, the gospel that has come to you. All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth....For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WILL through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, BEING STRENGTHENED WITH ALL POWER according to His glorious might so that you may have GREAT ENDURANCE and PATIENCE, and JOYFULLY GIVING THANKS to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light."

And Philippians 4:19-20

"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen."


Thank You for Your continual Word of encouragement. Thank You for the Living Word, Jesus Christ, who is at Your right hand interceding for Todd, Lori, Reagan, Caed, and Caleb, and their extended family. Thank You for the assurance - that blessed assurance - that You will never leave any of us "high and dry."

Father, help everyone to have a great time at the baseball game. I pray for a good Tuesday for Caed.

In Jesus,

Your prayer partner in Albuquerque,

Anonymous said...

Lori and Todd, I cannot tell you what a blessing it has been to read your comments throughout this whole ordeal. God is faithful and he will continue to see you through. I pray today that you all will enjoy the game and the sunshine! You all are troopers and so is little Caed! Continuing to pray for a full recovery and that you all will be able to return home soon. Please do know that I can do anything for your home that you need---clean,mow whatever. I am out of school now and available on M,T and F if you need.
In His Love,
amy teague

Anonymous said...

I just heard y'all were going to the ER. Praying for you. Sorry the Tech game didn't happen. :(
Becky Cooley
FBC Belton

Melissa B said...
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