Friday, May 16, 2008

Fri. 5/16 - update

I don't have a lot of time tonight. Got to get back to hospital, but here's a quick run down: Last night after I left Todd said he did great. The G-tube remained closed the entire night...never threw up the chicken or ice cream. That is HUGE to us!! He has NEVER done that before. This morning he continued to do well. Then around lunch time I wanted to try to see what more food would do. Grammy went and brought us McDonald's. He was very excited. He ate 1 bite of chicken, 1/2 a fry, and 1/2 an apple slice. About 30 minutes all came back up! I was so disappointed. The rest of the day hasn't been too bad. He has still thrown up several more times throughout the day, but nothing ever came up. (did that make sense?) We are wondering if it's the acid reflux that is causing him to do that. We may get to go home tomorrow sometime, but then possibly come back Mon. for another procedure. Not sure how long they will want to keep him then. It is getting hard going back and forth, back and forth, but we know this may just be the way it is for awhile.

Hopefully, I can write more tomorrow and also put some pictures on. It wouldn't work tonight with the computer that I'm on. Thanks for continuing to pray!! Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I just feel so strongly that things are going to start turning around soon!!!! Please God!!


DresCowboy said...

one of my aunts live in the area and sent me the link to this site,,,all my prayers and blessings are on there way.

Anonymous said...

There is healing coming. You sent your Word and healed them. Loose and let him go. The blood of Jesus cleanses. You shall reap if you hold fast. Hold fast! Faint not!

Blessed be His name. The name of Lord! Call upon the name of the Lord and worship Him. Amen!

Our prayer is short as well tonight. Our week has been full. Thank you Lord for watching over us and little Caed. We see baby steps in this progress. Soon to be leaping and jumping for joy!

Blessings beyond measure,
The Richardsons
Randy, Nancy, Hillary & Matt

Anonymous said...

Hi there. i came upon your website by chance the other day. I'm very happy for you that things seem to be on the improve.

I don't like to give advice...I'm sure you have many doctors and nurses telling you what to do! However, I know from experience they sometimes forget to tell you the simple things!

My Husband was on TPN for about 6 months when he was a child. He is fine now but occasionally will have to go a few days without eating to settle his system. He is always very careful about what he eats for a few days when he does start eating again. Plain rice, plain toast etc. for a few days. There is also a cookbook called soothing foods which contains recipes for foods gentle on the stomach which may be of help. Generally, he stays away from processed food, and foods high in fat as his body rejects them as they are too rich. I'm just wondering if a similar approach might help your little boy?

Best of luck with everything!