Praise God! What another terrific day! Caed IS improving! Up until these past 2 days, it was very difficult to see any progress. We were basically seeing good day/bad day... etc...You can most definitely see it now. Like my cousin Marnie said today, "I've never seen him like this!" (during the past 3 months) He woke up in a great mood and again wanted to feed the fish first thing. We left for the Science Spectrum and he did wonderful. As we were driving over, it was the weirdest feeling. I had not driven him to Lubbock unless we were heading back to ER/hospital or going to a dr. appointment. It truly was an unexplainable feeling being there at the museum with him. People seeing him would never know he was sick. He went around to the different exhibits with Logan and the girls and did great. We were there almost 2 hours, but he finally gave me the "sign" and said he wanted to go home. Before we left Marnie asked him if he wanted a snack and he said yes. (definite change) He chose a bag of Teddy Grahams and ate maybe 1/2 of it. On the way home he did get sick, but I truly think he was just upset (the crying can make him throw up). After his nap, he wanted a Popsicle. (ate 1/2) Then, this evening he ate a bite of yogurt and 2 crackers with cheese. So far, all has stayed down. The last several hours haven't been quite as good as this morning, BUT....he isn't throwing up. (that is a major thing!) I've been trying to explain to Todd the change we're seeing in him. I pray he continues. Todd and Reagan will fly back tomorrow night.
Now, for an explanation of the "2 PLATES of lasagna." ha! My dad was eating supper on the couch next to Caed and they noticed him checking out my dad's plate. He asked what it was and then said he wanted some too and "on a plate." My mom cut up 10-12 bite size pieces. He ate 2 plates of that, (so around 20 bites) and a small piece of cake. He kept it down for 2 1/2 hrs before he got sick!! Some of it had to have gone through. Thank you Betty for bringing it! You probably had no idea the Lord was going to use a simple pan of lasagna in such a MAJOR way!
Our GI dr. not only lowered the TPN amount (1/2), but also changed what was in it some. I am very curious to talk to him on Tues. Ever since he has been on the new TPN we have seen the difference in Caed. The dr. changed it for several reasons. #1) his blood work on Mon. showed the numbers with his liver were elevated. My mom and I had noticed earlier this week he had a yellow tint to his skin/eyes. (liver) Obviously this is NOT a good thing. TPN can damage your liver if you're on it too long. So, I'm guessing the GI dr. wanted to drastically lower his TPN intake. #2) our HH nurse had talked with him about what we were seeing with his TPN. It seemed he did ok when he was "unhooked" each day, but as soon as he got back on at night, it would start up....and then he was REALLY bad in the mornings. Never the less, whatever the reasons...we are thankful for the change we see. Thank you God!!
Like I stated before...we ARE seeing a change! But, I also think we are taking baby steps. He still has a ways to go. We're just thankful that we are beginning to see a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel!! Keep praying!
So glad for the good news! Praise be to God whose mercies are new each day! Our prayer is that Caed will be showered with new mercies in the days to come. Still praying continually for Caed's full recovery. Lori, if you ever get to Aiken to Stan and Megan's, we have to meet in person!
The Minichans
I am so grateful for a good last few days. I know the lack of progress was very difficult to endure, but seeing the real Caed come back is so awesome. I am so glad that we have had the time together in the last few days. I have selfishly wanted you closer to me ever since we moved back here, and I hate that this is the way that our time together has come about, but I am so looking forward to more days of Science Spectrum and other fun places. Logan is so enjoying Caed's company, and I am so loving yours (and Caed's too, of coarse). What an awesome little miracle he is!!!
Love the "showers of blessings" title with the cute picture of Caed. So glad to hear about another good day! Praise God! I'll go to bed happy tonight! Love you all...
We are Praising you Lord for your faithfulness!!! Just as our theme for the summer for our youth says..."Though no one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Eccl. 4:12.
As we have stood in agreement, bound by the love of our Jesus, we are thankful for his Word that is confirmation for the joy we have in our hearts for Caed.
For the fear released, we now see the joy of the Lord as our strength and stronghold. We claim that stronghold of agreement and complete healing for Caed. Amen!
The Richardsons
Randy, Nancy, Hillary & Matt
yea the news is great i am so happy to be hearing this!!! i pray for continued healing and a safe trip for todd and reagan. Also that caed will have alot more days like this one. i love you guys and miss you addie 3am
Lori, That is great news! May God continue to give you good days and heal Caed! Love, Beth Womack
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