Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sat. 5/24 - update

Caed had a very good afternoon/evening! I usually can tell from the way he wakes up...either in the morning or after nap. This afternoon I knew immediately it was going to be a good one. So, we headed back out to Sandy and Lee J's pool. He played awhile on the fort/swing set. Then, he found some fun rockets that you could throw in the pool. That was his favorite. He would throw, and the rest of the kids would dive after them. We were probably there 2 1/2 hrs. and he never once threw up or said his tummy hurt. After we got home, he got sick a few times, but overall was still ok.

Tonight's blog is going to be short. I am exhausted. Caed was up several times last night (sick). Today was good and I thank God for it!! We pray for more and more days like it!!!

playing with cousin Logan

Caed would throw...they would fetch

taking care of Nana's flowers

helping Nana do her "gardening"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we give thanks for days of restoration for Caed. Lord, we ask each day be productive and healing for Caed.

All things work together for good unto those who love God and are called according to His purpose. As we look to you dear Lord, we know we can trust and believe you to do what you have promised in your Word.

As we believe you Lord this Sunday evening to touch Caed, Lori, Todd, Reagan and Caleb. Give them all much needed rest. As they sleep this night, give them visions and dreams of you.

Great is your faithfulness, morning by morning. We lean on your covenant with us Lord. We ask strength for today and hope for tomorrow. Amen!

the Richardsons
Randy, Nancy, Hillary & Matt