Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wed. 9/3 - update

Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.............But as for me, I trust in You. (Psalm 55:22-23)

It is official.......we fly out for Omaha Mon.! Caed's first tests, etc....are scheduled for Tues. morning. Reagan, Caed, and I will fly to Dallas (Celina) on Sat., and then we will all leave out together Mon. morning. We have decided to let Reagan come this first week so she can see where we are at. Hopefully this can better help her when Mommy and Caed have to stay. This way she can visualize where we are at, etc.... We hope to go to the zoo, etc....and make it an enjoyable week for she and Caed. So, we are treating this as a "happy, fun trip" for their sake. We have told them both where we are going and why. They seem fine with it. I truly think all they hear is "blah, blah, blah........AIRPLANE......blah, blah, blah......ZOO!!!" Thank you God for that!!!!

I have had a tough day emotionally. I knew this day was coming. The day we would officially have a "date" set on the calendar. All I could do was look at Caleb and cry. I know it will not be very long, but for this mommy who has felt like I haven't gotten to really enjoy him these first 7's hard. They have been a complete blur! I think it's helping me some that Reagan is coming with us at first. The Lord must have known I couldn't handle saying good-bye to BOTH of them at once.

I am a natural-born planner! I have many lists, charts, calendars, etc....going at ALL times. Today has basically rocked my world. I wasn't expecting it to be this quick. I have 3 days to get this "trip/move" planned. Trust me when I say I am feeling quite overwhelmed. Not only do I need to get everything packed and ready for the kids and I, but also need to plan out (with more detail) Reagan's lesson plans for the remainder of the month. However, Todd and I talked and the Lord has quieted my soul......"Yes, I'm sure even Nebraska will have a Wal-Mart!"

My devotional this morning was so fitting (even before I truly knew the relevance).

Straining and striving does not accomplish the work God gives us to do. Only God Himself, who always works without stress and strain and who never overworks, can do the work He assigns to His children. When we restfully trust Him to do it, the work will be completed and will be done well. And the way to let Him do His work through us is to so fully abide in Christ by faith that He fills us to overflowing. (Streams in the Desert)

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for us during the past 7 months. We love each and every one of you (even those we've never met!) The Lord has used you ALL to get us to this very point. Now, we feel we are beginning a new chapter in the "Caed Crisis." You know, really good books are the ones that throw you for a loop in the final chapter. Things happen that you never saw coming. But, with our Faithful God as the author of this story......we already have sneak peek at the ending. Yes, the details may be a surprise, but we do know that HE IS NOT!!!!! He who began a good work in Caed, will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 1:6) HE is a character that will remain constant from beginning to end!

Thank you God for Your Faithfulness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

your blog makes me cry, yet again! i can only imagine how "stressed" you must feel.. overwhelmed...anxious...sad...happy...all of those emotions! i'm just praying for you to have God's amazing peace! who would have ever thought this whole thing would have gone on so long? ? i'm just glad that on march 1 we had no idea! now THAT would have been overwhelming! you are one special lady lori and you continue to bless me with your sweet self! i'm also glad reagan gets to go with you! and sweet baby caleb will be good with your mom although i can't imagine how hard that will be! you're lucky to have your parents! they are truly a blessing! anyways, hang in there and just know i'm praying for you.
hugs and kisses
love you all,

Anonymous said...

It is such an emotional time for you and how you continue on amazes me. I know it is your faith and love of God that does get you through each day and the fact that you are Caeds Mother and you just have to!!!! Please remember that there are SO many people praying for each of you and that this next step will be the answer to all of those prayers, Caed's complete healing. Thank you again for the daily blogs.
Love you all

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that God has provided the way for this visit to Nebraska at just the right time, His time. I can imagine how overwhelmed you all feel but your continued faith in God's plan will carry you through. I am praying for your family! May God continue to grant you peace, comfort, calmness, strength and healing. In His Love, Sharon Bonnot

Carolyn said...

Hang in there, Lori! The Lord will show you the way. He truly is faithful all the time. I'll keep praying, as always. I'm excited about what they will be able to do for Caed in Omaha. May His peace fill each of you as you take the next steps in this journey.
Sending my love...
In His love,
Carolyn O'Cain

Anonymous said...

Lori - I am praying with expectation that God will go before you to Nebraska and prepare the way. Our prayers for complete healing for Caed and travel mercies go with you.

Much Love -

The Earlys
Kerrville, Texas

Melissa B said...

Lori, I pray for you all in this transition. I cannot imagine doing it, but I would if I had to, just like you. I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful time with the kids before the testing begins.

Ashley said...

Hope you guys have a safe trip!!
Ashley G.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is good you don't have longer to get ready. Sometimes the more time we have, the more worry we do.

Our God is so good. He will go before you and prepare the way - every step of the way.

Even though this is so hard, what a blessing it is to know that He is interested in every little detail as well as every big detail.

Take comfort in knowing that everyone in your family - those in Nebraska as well as those left in Texas - will be daily lifted to the Lord.

Stacy said...

Just wanted y'all to know that this Texas girl will definitely be keeping you in her prayers as you bug out for Nebraska. I'm so glad God reminded you to REST in Him. So easy to forget to do that, I know too well! But He who began a good work in Caed and in your family will be faithful to complete it. So REST in that. REST in His faithful love to you and Caed and all of your family. REST in His mighty hand and outstretched arm working on Caed's behalf. REST and let Him do the hard stuff, the stuff you know you can't do. (And when you have the "rest" thing nailed, please let us know how to do that! ;-) )

Anyway, I'll be praying and keeping up with how things go. You have a wonderful family!

Anonymous said...

God, please place your loving arms aroung Lori & just let her be still, & know that You are God, & that all will be perfect, because You are in control.

Please prepare the hands, minds, & hearts of the Drs. that will be helping Caed get better in Nebraska.

Please show them the place they will need to live.

God, please be with Caleb. I know he doesn't understand what is going on, but please let this time be peaceful for him. Thank you for grandparents.

God, I know this will be hard for Todd, because I know he is pulled to be so many places, but also please let him just rest in you & have that peace that can only come from you.

God we place this whole situation in Your hands & ask for you to be glorified. Amen

Anonymous said...

My prayers will continue for you ALL. Each day that goes by means you are a step closer to Caed's healing and your family reunited. I have never had a doubt that God will do his work in your family and know that you have stayed the course. You have all remained faithful and will continue to do so. God Bless you for what this has meant to me.
Still Praying

Anonymous said...

Lori, I pray that you all have a safe flight. I know this is a crazy time for you, plans to make and all just keep putting GOD ahead of all and HE will answer your prayers and needs. i know that HE is watching over all of you. I can't even image going through what you are. My husband has some health issues but having a child sick is beyond my imagination. You ALL are in my prayers everyday.
God Bless and hugs and kisses to your precious children.
Lusby, MD