Got a call from Brandi today. Caed's stool sample came back. The c-diff is still showing up positive. Please pray the medicine will begin working soon!!!!!!! Dr. Mercer doesn't want to change anything as of now (tube feedings).
Didn't quite make it through the IMAX
movie this time
I have heard before that when you're away from home, you can experience different degrees of 'homesickness.' Sure, I miss it ALL THE TIME, but some times are definitely worse than others. I am experiencing one of those today. Just been very sad......
As we walked all over the zoo today, I couldn't help seeing the hundred strollers that passed us by. I saw moms pushing their babies/toddlers and the older kids following closely by. Every time I see a baby about Caleb's age, my stomach gets butterflies and a lump whells up in my throat. It's absolutely excruciating!! I just want to throw my hands up and say, "I quit!.....I cannot do this anymore!" Any strength I had, has been sucked out of me these last 7 months. I just don't know how much longer I can go on.
I have been reminded of a recent sermon from Bobby (FBC Lubbock). It hit me so hard a month or more ago when I heard it. His main point was "As believers, we will always have 'the song' in our hearts, but there will be times it is not on our lips......and it's ok." This describes me perfectly right now. I know who my strength is.....I know He is using this to make us stronger and more like Him.....I know He has great plans for us......BUT, right now, I don't feel like singing.
Dear God, help me! You know my heart and You know the things I am struggling with most! Calm my spirit. Remind me of the endless blessings You have lavished on me. Help me to truly know what it means to 'persevere' and I ask for strength in doing so. I am tired..............
Our hearts and prayers go out to you!!!! You inspire us daily with your strength and commitment. I loved what you said from the preacher. It is so true. Hold onto that! We love you guys so much!!!!
A song in the heart is infinitely more important to our spirits than a song on our lips.
I had gotten behind on my daily check of your blog, so tonight, I finally caught up. My heart breaks for you Lori - handling all of this up there by yourself, being away from your two other precious children and husband, and living without the comforts of home and family. However, I am always amazed at your trust in God through it all. You inspire me to lean on Him, and to remember that as Christians our path is still rocky and shaky, but God is in control of our steps. We love you all, and will continue our prayers! Again, thanks so much for taking the time to share with us!
The Butler's (Andrews, TX)
Lori, This post brought tears to my eyes. What a long struggle you have had, and still have before you. I wish I could help you and let you rest some how! Know we are still praying for you every day!!
Rest, Lori, rest in the arms of the One Who loves you most. The Lord beckoned those of us who are tired and weary to come to Him and He would give us rest. This battle belongs to HIM. He will be faithful to carry you through. He has promised to give us strength for our days and that is my prayer for you. The battle is long and tiring, but HE can and will walk you through every hurdle. Hold on to Him. I'm continuing to pray for all of you. It's the best gift I can give you now.
In His love,
Carolyn O'Cain
Lori, I just pray God will be your "Rock". A rock to lay on when you are tired. A rock to lean on when you can't stand anymore. A rock to cry on. A rock to kneel at to pray. A rock that is firm & strong & will help get you through this. I Love you more than you will ever know.
Our HOPE is built on nothing less than JESUS BLOOD and rightenous! Praying for you to get a renewed strength; inner peace, thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns. I have had a lot of issues these past two years, but your openness has helped me to know that God will not give us any more than we can handle and this in turn can help us to become closer to HIM! Praying for you and your families.
My heart aches for you! I'm praying that He will renew your joy and give you strength for each new day. Love you,
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