Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Divine Appointment

Last Sunday Carol and Cordell had invited us out to their church, but after getting a call about Caed's c-diff and the need to begin new meds immediately, we weren't able to make it. This Sunday, however, God knew exactly where I needed to be.....Life Spring Church in Bellevue, NE!

The service began like many others, singing various praise songs. However, the minute Blessed Be Your Name started.....I lost it. I knew right then and there it was no coincidence. The Lord was speaking straight to ME! The words have always meant a lot, but hearing it today in our present situation....something was different. I wasn't able to sing....I cried....and just soaked it in.

Just yesterday I got on line and was listening to a preacher speak on Daniel ch. 3 (How to Live When Hard Times Come). Well, once coincidence.....God apparently wanted to pound this subject in my head. The pastor this morning spoke guessed it.....Daniel ch.3! There were several hundred people sitting in that auditorium and yet my God was speaking directly to ME! 'Am I truly trusting Him to handle my trial in the best way HE sees fit?' I'm not so sure I have.

Please continue to pray for me. I truly covet your prayers!! Don't know if I've ever been in such a deep valley than I have been this past year. God is working on me....I know that for sure! But, just like a rock and chisel, it definitely hurts. God is ultimately creating a beautiful gem. Pray that I would not fight it. What tremendous blessings I might miss out on......


Anonymous said...

As I continually wonder why all this has happened, it all comes back to--look how many lives this is touching--how many lives are being changed, blessed, helped by your blog, Lori. I continue to pray for you, your well being, your spirit and your family. I love you and I know that God is using this experience to grow you, strengthen you and love you like never before. Hang in there!

Melissa Barr said...

Hey Lori, it has been awhile since I have left a message, I am so sorry. A group from church had a meeting with Todd today and he gave an update on the family. We all just feel for you and the many days yall have walked through this painful trial. Pam Peters pointed out that you are truly blessing us with your blog. I am sure it is helping you so much, but I can't express how much your words bless the mothers who read it. God is good and he reminded you of that through Blessed Be The Name today. We all love you and miss you so much Lori. May God continue to bless you, and hold you all tight in the grip of his Mighty Hand. Thank you for being a vessel.
God Bless, Melissa Barr

Anonymous said...

Lori, I know exactly what you mean. God has done the exact same thing to me. I have been struggling with things this week and what do you know God spoke to me through my pastor's sermon. Isn't He an awesome God. He knows what we need right at the right time. You, yourself have been a blessing to me. Reading about your faith in God has helped me. You and your family are in my prayers everyday. Just keep strong in the Lord and He will never leave you.

God Bless and Hugs,
patti from Lusby, MD

Tana Free said...

Tana here. I haven't checked your blog in a few days, so tonight was the first time I got to see "Justin" at bat. It was so great! I cried. I love your little boy. His legs were moving so fast that they were a blur. The video made me miss Cooper. I am so glad you got to go to church today. I miss church so much. It feels like a piece of me is missing each week. It is probably that still quiet voice that I miss the most. When you start feeling homesick for Caleb, come over and you can hug Kensley and Caed can play with me so I won't miss Cooper so much. I am praying for you right now, and know this...YOU CAN DO THIS! CAED WILL MAKE IT THROUGH. The will of God will not take you where the grace of God can not protect you. Love, Tana

Anonymous said...

Lori, Your blogs have made me laugh and cry. My constant prayer is for God's healing in Caed and His great peace and comfort to flood your very being. As a mother and grandmother my heart has ached for you and Todd and your sweet children. Just know how much we love you all and that we all are praying. A few verses came to me that reminded me of you so much. Psalm 31:14-15 I trust in You, O Lord,....My times are in Your hand. Psalm 142:3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, You knew my path. Proverbs 16:20 Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord. Praying for a special blessing for you today!! Love you, Zora

Carolyn said...

Living in a Daniel 3 situation isn't easy, but it's always spiritually profitable. Been there, done that... still there! Hang in there. The Lord will carry you through it all and you'll have a awesome testimony to share with others when they need some encouragement. What an awesome God we serve!
As always, I'm here and I'm praying.
In His love,
Carolyn O'Cain