For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock. (Psalm 27:5)
I know this phrase will sound familiar, but "it wasn't necessarily a bad day, but not great either." Todd and Reagan left early, early this morning. (got to Celina fine) Todd said she wanted to just play in her room for awhile when they first got there. (it has been 2 months since she's been home...left Feb. 22!!) She went to one of her (homeschooled) friend's house and had school there w/ her. (thank you Christy!!) Then went to AWANAS tonight and is spending the night w/ another friend. (thank you Sarah!!) She called me tonight and told me they had a cake there at church for her which said, "We've missed you Reagan!" She told me she was a little embarrassed. Thank you Sparks for making her feel so special! I know this trip will be good for her. As far as Caed...he began throwing up more today. (about 5-6 times) I couldn't believe it. We had been having such good days. One time, it was a white color. The reason that is important is because his tube feeding is white. If he was throwing that would not be a good sign. (especially since his feedings are going into his intestines) Anyway, Dr. G ordered an x-ray right away. Praise God everything came back ok. They have now colored his tube feeding with a blue dye. That way we can tell easier if it's formula or something else (gastric) he's throwing up. He had an extra special day today with an extra special visitor. One of Todd's friends is a minister here in Lubbock and is good friends with one of the Tech football players. Anyway, he called me and asked if Caed would like a visit. Absolutely!!! So, Wide Receiver David Schaefer came and even brought Caed a football. But not just ANY football. It was signed by quarterback Graham Harrell!!! It was too cool. Caed has kept that ball in his bed ever since. When I left this evening, he was almost asleep but still clutching onto it. Thank you Tim and David for making his day! We went for our daily walk again this afternoon. He fought it in the beginning, but soon was racing his nurse down the hall. You can guess who won again! They increased his feedings today to 8cc. He complained of his tummy hurting throughout the day (as usual), but hopefully his gut is slowly waking up and making some progress. Again, not sure about all the throwing up today...maybe we can get back on track tomorrow. Please pray specifically for that.
Playing with "Moon Sand"
Word began spreading about Drummer Caed,
so today the Child Life Team came and gave
him 2 sets of drums. Thanks Addie! It's all your
fault if we start getting complaints from other
patients that our room is too loud. ha!
David and Caed
Caed finally warming up. He even did his
chipmunk song for him!
We are still believing Jesus to do great and mighty things in your life! We will still stand and not waiver for we lean on His promises that He has already proclaimed. We take hold of those promises for continuous healing for Caed. We again pray much wisdom for the doctors and nurses. Continue to let them have your eyes and ears, dear Lord. Let your shining light come forth even as you have sent your messengers to encourage Caed through this experience. God is faithful to send His best. What a great football buddy to have at your side Caed!
Many more blessings upon you all,
Randy, Nancy, Hillary & Matt
Signing out @ 2:15 am, CDT
It is Addie checking in at 3am. I am glad to see he is enjoying his drumsticks! HA!! I oray that he will stop throwing up. I pray that caed will have a good day today and another and another an another... I pray for healing (always) Caed i think it is so cool to have tech football players visit you!!! I love you so so so so much and really miss you! please come home soon! love addie
Yesterday in staff meeting we prayed for God to show his mighty power for Caed. My prayer is that God would work so that even the doctors and nurses are amazed!
Heavenly Father, we do boldly ask that you mend Caed's digestive system back together perfectly! Let no one be able to doubt that it was Your work and Your hand! We pray that Caed can make it for one day...and then two...without throwing up. You are good Lord and we trust you completely!
We love you Todd, Lori, Caed, Reagan and Caleb!
The Oldhams
Well, from what it sounds like, the docs are attempting to push the food through. There is alot of food (at least compared to what he's used to) going in so it's not a big surprise about the throwing up. Keep at it!! Of course, we will be in prayer for Caed. "Our God is an Awesome God". We will also be praying for angels to be there with you, Lori. We love you guys so much!
G & K
I raise my voice in agreement with the Oldhams that You will work such a mighty thing in Caed and in his body, that all the medical personnel will be surprised! Help those intestines to get moving and to do the work they were designed for.
Thank You for Todd and Reagan's safe trip, and help it to be a rejuvenating one for them. Please give Lori special refreshment and renewed energy today.
Thank You, Father, for Your continued presence. Thank You, Jesus, for your continual prayers for this little guy.
Blessings and peace and healing and fortitude and tenacity and strength be on this family.
In Jesus' Name,
Your prayer partner in Albuquerque,
Hey Laurie and Todd
I am glad to hear caed is doing better. I'm sorry to hear about his tummy trouble. I glad to hear he got meet his favorite football player from his favorite team, that's cool. LOVE YA'LL,
Flora Moore
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