Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mon. 4/21 - update

Today started out good. He did get sick once this morning, but after that, he felt really well. He had several visitors and he talked and of course, wanted to perform his "Chipmunk Act" for them. He was being the real Caed, and it was again so good to see. We went for a walk (which he hated!), but he is slowly learning that it is a MUST everyday. He also asked for more food throughout the day than he ever has. He ate a few bites of cereal, a couple of crackers, a pretzel, 5-6 bites of pizza, and 1 bite of a chicken nugget!! whew!!!! However...most of which did not stay down. It can be very discouraging, but we are trying to remember that when he does eat, the stomach is "working" some. (may not be too great right now, but it is doing something) They increased his feedings today to 6cc. Still not much, but to his little gut...every little bit counts. They also have decided to drain his G-tube (stomach) every 6 hrs. for an hour at a time. I guess to relieve it a little. This evening he had more family come again...Grammy, Nana, Grandaddy, Caleb, Reagan, Xan, and cousin Bergan. (the one Reagan has LOVED getting to be with since we've been here!!) They brought us all shaved ice and then of course wanted to go out to play with the water gun. It's funny, but somehow EVERYONE else gets soaked except Caed! Not sure why it always happens that way. It was a beautiful day again, but we only stayed out for maybe an hour. Caed complained a lot that his tummy hurt tonight. After everyone left, he got sick again. So....only 2 times today. Not bad, but not too great either. We just PRAY that things will start working soon!!! Also pray for Caed's anxiety. The device that is protruding out of his stomach is a little concerning to him. (G & J tubes) We don't blame him...it would scare me too. I think it pulls on his skin sometimes, and he gets VERY uneasy about it, thinking it's going to pull out. Anytime the nurses come close, he starts whimpering and telling me, "Don't let them pull it out!" It seems he gets a new device every week. At least there are no more on his face! We are trying to Press On...although the days and nights are sometimes getting LONG! This Wed. morning, Todd and Reagan will be flying to Celina until Mon. It will be a long 5 1/2 days here without him. Please pray all continues to go well with Caed....no problems....no new procedures...etc... I know we will manage ok without him, but it sure does help when we both can share the load. I think Caed does better when we are both here. He just seems more settled and content. All will be fine; I'm just dreading it. Please pray specifically for me!

Playing with his cars

"Mr. Performer" putting on one of his shows
for an audience

Caleb, (cousin) Bergan, Reagan, (cousin) Xan,
and Caed getting ready to play outside

More fun with the water gun!

Caed wanted to put PowerAde in his water gun!
Nana wasn't so sure that was a good idea...


Anonymous said...

It is Addie checking in at 3am. It is just like caed to want to put PowerAde in his water gun. This morning I pray for healing and for caed's spirit. It is so uplifiting to hear about his good days. I pray for Reagan and Todd to have a safe trip home. I am so excited to see Reagan we have really missed her. I pray for your colds I hope they are getting better. I also Pray for all the futre things that are going to happen. I pray that you can manage with out Todd and it all goes smoothly. I love you guys Addie

Anonymous said...

Good Morning from Albuquerque! I woke up at 3:00 this AM and had trouble getting back to sleep, but God put Caed on my mind and I spent a few minutes praying for him. I hope all was well at that time (4:00 in TX).

Here's a small activity for Caed that might keep him occupied for a little bit. Give him an autograph book - notebook, journal, etc. Then, tell him to gather autographs of "famous" people. Anyone that comes into his room has to sign the book - the first time as themselves, and then each successive time, they have to sign as someone famous - like Mickey Mouse, Bob the Tomato, Tony Romo, Larryboy, Pres. Bush, etc., etc., etc. Caed could tell the person who to sign as (and then they have to do a very creative signature), or they could come up with someone on their own. You could get that started before Todd and Reagan leave, and when they get back, Caed could be "paid" (with coins, small toys, etc.) for each different signature. I don't know - just something to help him think about something totally different.

Or with the water gun - how about "shooting" contests. Get small bullseye papers, and have "contestants" see who can score the most points...

By the way, Veggie Tales website is http://www.bigideafun.com/. Adventures in Odyssey site (Focus on the Family) is http://www.whitsend.org/. There are games on both of those. I'll try to find other fun sites.

Father God, we continue asking for healing - full and completed; for patience (now, would be good!); for peace; laughter; love; safety in travel for Todd and Reagan; good news from the Drs. Most all, Father, we pray for You to wrap this family in Your loving arms as You walk with them through each step of these trials. And Father, I specifically ask that You lay Your healing hand on Caed's stomach and intestines - his entire digestive process.

Thank You for Your constant presence, even in the wee hours of the morning.

It's in Your Son's name that we pray and ask these things with much thanksgiving.

Have a good Tuesday, okay, Little Buddy!
Your friend in Albuquerque,

Anonymous said...

One more note - Veggie Tales is on TV:


11:30 a.m. EST
3-2-1 Penguins!

12:00 p.m. EST