A cheerful heart is good medicine... (Proverbs 17:22)
How true that is! Not even the best medicine can be as beneficial as a cheerful heart. Overall today Caed had that. We loved seeing his little "smiling eyes" peering out from under his blanket. This morning when we went for our walk, he did so with no crying or arguing! We went all the way to the elevators again. He decided on the way, he wanted to throw his puppy (Todd) off the 3rd floor balcony! Daddy went down to catch him, and then Caed wanted to go down. He picked up his tubes...grabbed his pole...and started going by himself. I was shocked. He did such a great job! Also this morning, I brought Caed a package from the Owen's (Celina neighbors). They sent him some "Big" drumsticks and a CD!! You should have seen the look on his face. That has made his day. We turned the CD on, and of course "Blessed Be Your Name" (Caed's favorite) was on there. He jammed out all morning. (even busted a few bedpans..ha!) We thought is was ok...and encouraged him to get out all his frustration. :) We have posted a video of Caed playing his "guitar" and singing that song. It is such a fitting song for this whole experience. Blessed Be Your Name (regardless of what life brings our way...good times AND bad)!!! He took a good nap this afternoon and has been ok this evening. He has been complaining more of his stomach hurting (probably cramps). So far (it's 8:00pm) he has not thrown up all day. His last one was 9:00 last night. So, we are at 23 hrs. again. I can't wait to post tomorrow and let you know if that number has grown. They are still draining his stomach tube twice a day. I know that has to be helping. He ate 4-5 bites of yogurt and about the same of pizza again. They also left his feeding tube amount alone today. (6cc) We are very glad about that. It has given his intestines a little more time to get used to it. They will probably increase tomorrow, but only 1-2 cc. (I'm guessing) We have not seen his surgeon yet today, so nothing to report as of now.
Todd and Reagan will be heading to the airport at 5:30 in the morning. Please pray for their travel and all to go ok while they are back in Celina. Reagan will be hanging out with several friends there. She is very excited! She has also informed me she is taking the BIG suitcase in case there are things (from her room) she needs to bring back. I'm a little nervous! I'm not sure what our new schedule will look like while Todd is gone. I'm sure my parents will come up and relieve me some. Also pray for Caed to have GOOD days!! Not just for his sake, but also with the change in Todd being gone so long. (and others coming to help out) It will make things MUCH less stressful for me, and I will feel more comfortable about leaving each day for awhile.
Thank you SO much to all of you coming to visit us each day! It is so good to see your faces (even though so many of you, we don't even know!) Thank you for caring enough about little Caed to take time and come see him. It can get VERY draining being up here all day long. Seeing your faces brings us light! I know we say this often, but we continue to be OVERWHELMED by every one's support and love for us during this difficult time. To our church home...thank you for your cards, phone calls, emails, gifts, etc... We miss you dearly and are SO sorry we have had to be gone this long. We cannot begin to express our gratitude and love to you for your support. (especially allowing Todd to be gone so much!! We do not take that for granted and know other employers would not have been as gracious). We have missed seeing that Celina Orange!!! To our former church home (Edna)...we are amazed at how we still feel so apart of your family. I cry every time I read your prayer grams and cards. I can just picture each one of your faces. Thank you also for the cards, gifts, etc... you continue to send. You were there when Caed was born...you know him! Thank you for loving him like you do. Thank you also to my little hometown of Idalou! I can't believe how you have come together and supported us during this time. People that I haven't seen in years are doing things that have blown us away. You have blessed our family so much!! There has not been a day that has gone by that some (stranger) doesn't knock on our door and ask how Caed is doing. They introduce themselves and let us know that their church is praying for Caed!! These are people and churches we do not even know!! We have been overwhelmed by the churches in Lubbock and all over the state at their love and support for us. Caed is on the prayer list of so many churches! How amazing is our God?? This one sick little boy is bringing the body of Christ together in a way that would not have otherwise. Thank you Lord for wrapping your arms around us and using SO MANY to do it in a real, tangible way. Every blessing YOU pour out, we will turn back to praise. BLESSED BE YOUR NAME!!
**sorry to report as I was writing this, Caed got sick again...so I guess 23 hrs. is still the record to beat
Walking with Daddy and "Todd" the
Bedpans can work for drums, right?
(by the way...he broke both "cymbals")
Caed the Walrus
I myself just jammed out to Blessed be the Name (with chills the whole time i read)! I continue to praise God for Caed's healing and for ya'lls testimony and the way God is using you to be a blessing to so many people and churches around the... world...
May God continue to use you, bless you, strengthen you, and fill you with his grace as he continues to hold you and the whole situation in the palm of his hand!
Hugs and Kisses to you all! Love Ya'll!
So glad to hear that overall Caed is making good progress! You are such a testimony to so many people in the way you are handling this trial. Our prayers continue to be with you all from Aiken, SC. praying for Caed and you all to get good rest tonight.
1:43 am Jennifer M.
Yes, Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!" What a faithful God we serve. Lori, I have been missing my prayer time from 2-3am.
Started a 3 day trip Monday. The flight attendant I'm flying with this month lives in Albq. She commuted in yesterday morning. First question was "How is little Caed" and "Have you changed your prayer time?"
So I'm back at my prayer time..oops, California time is now l:50 a.m.
Lord, we pray for Todd and Reagan as they will soon be back in Celina. Protect and cover them with your angels as they travel. Continue to heal Caed. We lift up Lori during this time and ask for assistance in the care for Caed and Caleb. Thank you for the servants you have provided and for their obedient hearts.
Blessing beyond measure,
Randy, Nancy, Hillary and Matt
2:00 am PCT
It is Addie checking in at 3am. I am so happy for all the good days Caed has had. I am glad to hear you got the package. When I was at the concert I thought Caed would just love those. I am so excited to see Reagan It has been a LONG time. I pray for caed to have good days foever. Also for Lori just to be able to manage while Todd is gone. I pray for a safe trip for Reagan and Todd. I love you guys so much love,
Praise the Lord. The Glory is of the Lord is already rolling in!!! I love it!! Can't wait to see more good reports! We love you!
G & K
Father God,
THANK YOU! Thank You that Caed is doing better. Please keep working on healing those intestines and get everything moving. It'll be great when his non-throwup record is 24 - 48 - 72 hours.
Father, I pray for safety and fun for Todd and Reagan on their trip home. Be with Lori and give her good days, too. Thank You so much for such a loving family and friends.
God, You are AWESOME! Blessed be Your Name!
In Jesus,
Your prayer partner in Albuquerque, Debbie
It is so wonderful to read about good days! The first thing we do each morning is check the blog about Caed and say a special prayer for him and the whole family. Lori, you have such a special way of expressing your thoughts and feelings. Thanks for keeping us informed. You guys are always in our prayers.
Love you all,
David and Libby
Todd, Lori, Reagan, Caed, and Caleb...All of you have been a continual encouragement to me! I am currently teaching at Trinity Junior High and am teaching Bible. When mom and dad told me about Caed I mentioned it to my kids and asked if this was something they wanted to be committed to praying for everyday in class. Overwhelmingly the kids wanted to pray for him and daily they remind me to update them on the latest blog and how the family and Caed are doing! It has been a blessing for me to be able to share with them the faith that you as a family have shown through this trial. I have been talking to them about trials in life and that the trials are an opportunity to see God work in our lives...does not mean the pain and emotion is any less or that it does not hurt to go through the trial...just simply means that the trial is an opportunity to see more of who God is. So, without even knowing, you have taught me kids and are continuing to teach my kids what it looks like to struggle and to trust God. Lori, I have cherish your honesty in the struggle and through it my kids have seen that they do not need to put on a mask in the pain but to be authentic in the stuggle!!! I love all of you dearly and I want all of you to know that there has not been a day that has gone by since Caed went into the hospital that I have not thought about you. You are very dear to my heart and I love you!!
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