I wanted to include a very special thank you in tonight's blog. We owe SO much to our families who have literally stopped their own lives to be here for Caed and our little family! I cannot even begin to share ALL that they have done. From staying here at the hospital with us 24/7 to doing our laundry and running errands, bringing meals to us, taking over Reagan's homeschooling and caring for Caleb (our newborn). There is NO possible way we could go through this without them! My brother, Stan, and his wife live in South Carolina. When Caed first got sick and was in ICU, Megan and Xan (their daughter) put their life on hold and flew here to help out. They have been here now for OVER a month (while Stan has had to stay in SC)!! I can't believe the sacrifice they have made for us! Megan has taken over in caring for Caleb, getting up in the middle of the night, taking him to his dr. appt., etc.... I owe her SO much! We couldn't have made it without her! Mother, thank you for being Reagan's "substitute teacher." I couldn't think of a better one! I feel so confident in knowing you are teaching her. Thanks also for helping out with Caleb. I know it hasn't been easy. Thank you Daddy for being here at the hospital everyday and having such a passion to help Caed get better. Thanks for sometimes "translating" for me what the drs. say. You have now become my favorite anatomy teacher, and I will never forget all your "garden hose" analogies. Katie, thank you as well for coming up here everyday! Just your presence and constant support have meant so much. Thank you for doing our laundry and running all over town to pick up things for us. Thank you for staying up all hours of the night just to make sure I get home safely. To our grandparents, brothers and families, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc...WE LOVE EACH OF YOU SO MUCH! This is what families do for each other, and we will never forget it. Boy, is Caed one blessed little guy to have such an awesome family!
Ahhh! Pain medicine is good!!
Aunt Megan and Caleb, who by the
way is rolling over now! (2 mos!)
I have cried many times reading your blog and all that Caed has been through but tonight's was especially sweet. I have thought many times about all that your immediate family has done for you and how overwhelmed you must feel. I know that even though you can't be there with Reagan and Caleb, it is must be such a comfort to know that they are in the best hands you could ask for. I am so grateful that you and Todd have such an amazing support network. I know that we are kindred spirits in that respect. Thank you for the witness that you are being through all of this. I know that if it were me I would only have a fraction of your strength. Caed is one lucky little guy to have so much love surrounding him.
Still praying for a miracle and love you all tons!!!
I love getting to work, reading the blog, and finding a 'good' report! It's very strange for Kristie and I. Though we do go about our days, that little boy and you guys are on our minds and our hearts. Every spare breath is devoted to praying for you. I honestly believe God has done that....nothing of us. We love Caed and you guys O so much, but I praise God that He has 'infiltrated' our thoughts and time and makes me wonder how many other people are surely experiencing the same 'tug'. God is simply amazing and I'm learning again! See you guys soon!
G & K
I would like to express a "thank you" to you Lori, for being so transparent in your witness for the Lord. Also, "thank you" Todd for your steadfast faithfulness to stand firm on God's word. It has been a journey of complete faith. God is going to use all of this for His glory.
The magnificant name of the Lord has been magnified in this place. As we have called upon the name of the Lord, we have worshipped His name, and He has answered the call of his people and the prayers of our hearts.
In so many realms, Lori and Todd, this crisis with little Caed has changed the lives for many of us.
It has touched us in ways we didn't even know needed touched. It has changed our hearts bringing us to repentance and deliverance.
Through your obedience God has done a miraculous work in you and your family. Also, in the lives of the many prayer warriors who have stood in the secret place of the most high God. We thank you Lord that you are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
All things are possible for those who believe and trust in Him. More of you and less of me, dear Jesus! We give you praise, honor and glory.
Your promises are yes and Amen!
Randy, Nancy, Hillary & Matt
Checking out at 2:59:59 am!!
Hi! I'm checking in from Albuquerque again. What an amazing family and support network you have!
Father, bless all in this caring family. Of course, Father, the greatest blessing will be the day Caed walks out of that hospital. But for now, we thank you for loving families and friends. Continue to bless them all with strength and courage and power and patience and praise for You. In Your Son's most holy name, Amen.
Todd and Lori, when Caed recovers, he will have an amazing witness to tell the rest of his life. And, he'll be the second young boy I personally have watched in the last year that God has performed a miracle for. In July last year, a friend and two of her kids were driving on a highway south of Albuquerque. For some reason, the 11 year-old boy wasn't wearing a seatbelt. They hit slick road, she lost control, the vehicle rolled, and the boy was thrown out, hitting his head on a rock. Suffice it to say, this boy was lost three times - once on the ground and twice in the Life Flight helicopter before getting to the hospital. He was comatose for over a month, and the Drs. didn't have a very good prognosis for him. If he woke up, more than likely he'd be severely brain damaged, and probably paralyzed. But we kept talking to him and telling him he would have an amazing witness some day. That boy was hospitalized four months, but he did wake up - he's not paralyzed - there is a little damage, but he's re-learning so many things. He has now gone home - to Amarillo and goes to school. The boy the Drs. didn't think would make it is a true miracle.
Caed will be a miracle right along with him. It's just that our human wills want it to be RIGHT NOW. God has the timetable all worked out. He's just asking for continued faith and trust. I can't imagine the number of people your family and Caed are touching and showing the true Jesus to.
Father, thank You! Thank You for the witness this family has. And Father, sometimes it helps non-Christians see that Christians even get mad at You because it just seems to not make sense. But, Father, when we are upset with You, I still picture You holding us close to Your chest and letting us pound on it in frustration and pain, all the while You are soothing and saying it will be okay. Thank You, Father, that the God who created everything - who created this universe - is close to whomever calls. Thank You that You care about a little boy named Caed and are with him every step of this journey. In Jesus, Amen.
Your friend in Albuquerque, Debbie
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