Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wed. 6/4 - update

Will be short tonight. Everyone is very tired. This morning was good again. He was in a great mood and felt fine. We took Todd to the airport around 10:00 and then stood out in the street to wave to him as he flew by. (usually flies right over Idalou) We saw his plane, but it was already pretty high up. We'll try again next time. Reagan and Caed played very well together this morning. They were "secret agents" out to find Nana's kitty, Zach.

We have not started the feeding into G-tube yet. His HH nurse will come in the morning to do dressing change and draw blood. I will ask her the different questions we have. (all they did Tues. was just deliver it one has explained it to us yet) We will probably not start it until Thur. night. Which is fine by me. Can you tell I'm dreading this? I know it is necessary, but I do not look forward to the possible pain/vomiting it might cause.

Caed got sick the normal times today, but tonight he has been hurting. I think it is intestinal pain. He points down low. I guess as the sm. amounts he is eating pass through it causes pain. Although this pain is fairly sporadic...not necessarily every day.

We went to the park this evening. The kids played for maybe 30 minutes, but Caed began not feeling well, so we headed on home. He was ready to go to bed tonight! I pray it can be a restful one for him!!

playing firefighter

*this was the park Reagan and Caed
went to the day this all started on
March 1st!!

Reagan, Bergan, & Caed


Anonymous said...

Prayers are coming from more places and households than you expect.
Take Strength!
Thank you so much for these updates. Specifications are nice to pray...

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying that everything goes well tonight and that God will give you encouragement today. Faith can be draining - it's so hard to not be able to see the end. But, with the waiting comes great joy in growing to trust our Lord and see His hand on our lives. I know He will be "singing" over Caed and all of you tonight.