I know I am taking this verse out of context, but it so describes my feeling today. Caed had a very good day overall. (minus a couple of times getting sick and hurting this evening) Probably more today has the reality of us getting to come home (for good) been so clear. The last 2 days have been very hard to describe. We're here...in our own home...and yet I felt like I was "visiting" someone else....and living out of a suitcase. I know it probably seems hard to understand, but it has taken the last day and 1/2 to familiarize myself with stuff and jog my memory of where certain things are located. Yesterday, I found myself seeing things that seemed like a lifetime ago. My closet is still full of maternity clothes. There is a small tub that still sits on the kitchen counter that is full of all those things we used the 1st 2 weeks of caring for a newborn. There are clothes in his dresser that he never got to wear. His bassinet still sits in our bedroom. Special soap the dr. gave me after my surgery sits in the shower. The kids' Valentine pictures and also their latest art projects of marshmallow snowmen hang on the wall. You saw their calendar (March 1). Reagan and Caed's closets are still full of winter clothes. I could go on and on...but these are just a few examples of the things that I have been surrounded by. Just constant reminders of the day we left the house so many months ago. Finally this morning, however, while everyone else was still asleep (except Caleb), I began putting away dishes, made my bed for the 1st time, gathered up laundry, etc. I guess it took that for me to feel like this was MY house again. Todd and Caed woke up next, and Caed came to the couch to watch cartoons just like he used to. The scene was SO familiar, and I loved it!
We went to church this morning for VBS. We dropped Reagan off where she needed to go, and then Caed wanted to go find his class. He did not want to be "dropped off" like Reagan, nor would I have done that anyway. I knew we needed to stay close by in case he began feeling sick. He stayed with his group for about 1/2 the time. He sat during Bible story time, sang during music, and even did a craft. After that, I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't feeling well. We headed for Daddy's office and he rested on the floor awhile. Soon he was feeling better, so we then just walked around and watched the other groups. (we had to run to the restroom several times during the morning as well) When we got home, he was hungry and ate a very small lunch. (few bites of meat and pears) Addie came over and played with Caed and Reagan most of the afternoon. (thank you Addie...they loved it!) Caed did great, I think only complained once that his tummy hurt, but didn't last long. (he also ate 7-8 goldfish) Tonight, Caed asked his Daddy if some of the teenagers could come over. (he was referring to the group of Sr. guys who would always come over on Thurs. for Bible study) Todd made a few calls, and Seth, Clay, & Travis came. He was SO excited!! They boxed, had a sword fight, shot dart guns at him, etc... Just like old times. It was really good for him. He loves all these guys, and it was always the highlight of his week when they came over. Thank you for loving him like you do!! It means a lot to him.
We (my mom, Caed, Caleb, and I) fly out around noon tomorrow. Such mixed emotions. I want to stay. I hate having to leave Todd and Reagan, but I also know Caed still has aways to go. He IS progressing, and these last 2 days have been major proof of that. However, we're trying to be patient and not rush things too quickly. I know so many things can happen, but we're going to try to get through the summer, and then attempt the transition of transferring to a specialist here in the Dallas area. Please pray specifically that the Lord will begin putting all those details into place. I am very nervous about "starting over" with new drs. (just having to explain a VERY complicated medical history)
Todd made a statement yesterday and it hit me so hard. If we had gotten on the road the afternoon of March 1 and headed back to Celina....it would now be almost 4 months after Caed's funeral. Oh GOD!!! Thank you that YOU were in control that day. Thank you that YOU allowed certain things to happen that prolonged us getting on the road. Thank YOU for sparing our son!!!!!! Thank YOU that I was able to bring ALL 3 of my children home this weekend!
To all our friends in Celina: We loved being here, and getting to see your smiling faces again. We look forward with anticipation the day we can be home for good!
singing in music class (Caed is in bright orange)
making his sunflower in art
1 comment:
HOME! what an awesome experience for you--I'll bet it is a weird feeling! Familiar, yet not--strange. Brings forth the thought--this world is not my home, I'm just passing through--
good grief, that was a sobering thought! Thank you God that you are so faithful and you didn't choose this precious family to walk that road!
I'm praying for you today as you leave your home once again. Hopefully it won't be so long this time! I'll be praying for Caed as well, as I can only imagine the confusion he will feel.
hugs and kisses to all
love you
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