Suffering......such a simple word, and yet it has the power to literally destroy us. I have been burdened by it lately, and the fact that SO MANY around me seem to be fighting for their lives. I sat down the other day and began thinking of my family, friends, and acquaintances and how the storms of life are raging within all of us. They are different storms by nature, each have taken on their own look, but nevertheless all destructive and unimaginably painful. These are just a few:
-losing your #1 fan......a parent
-dealing with betrayal
-fighting a chronic illness
-grieving the loss of a child
-trying to make it through each day alone
-being misunderstood
-fighting cancer
-losing your job
-struggling through an addiction
-grieving the loss of a brother / sister
-battling depression
-picking up the pieces after a divorce
-grieving infertility and/or miscarriage
-struggling financially
-watching as your house goes up in flames
-losing your best friend / spouse
-being rejected
-watching a loved one suffer
-feeling all alone
-being hurt by friends / family
-physically being pushed to the limit
-being married to an "unbeliever"
-tragically losing your best friend
-sending "your baby" off to college
-being far away from home
This list obviously could go on and on. But, what struck me was the amount of suffering that those close to me are also going through. Sometimes when we are in the middle of a raging storm ourselves, we cannot see clearly. Our visibility is limited. However, after the clouds begin to move, we see how we are not alone. Others are also fighting just to survive.
It is a comforting thought that trouble, in whatever form it comes to us, is a heavenly messenger that brings us something from God. Outwardly it may appear painful or even destructive, but inwardly its spiritual work produces blessings. Many of the richest blessings we have inherited are the fruit of sorrow or pain. We should never forget that redemption, the world's greatest blessing, is the fruit of the world's greatest sorrow. And whenever a time of deep pruning comes and the knife cuts deeply and the pain is severe, what an inexpressible comfort it is to know: "My Father is the gardener." (John 15:1) Streams in the Desert
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
The verse in the the book you put down about inheritance. At Beth this weekend she talk about our inheritance we have waiting in heaven for us that we are gods inheritance. That he is waiting on us too. How write you are about the strom. That the things we go through on this earth make us what gods wants us to be. That he knows everyhing we will go through before we are born. Thats what makes us special. I know Its hard to understand that gods wants us to go through suffering.But thats what Jesus had to go through on the cross for our sins. Plus god had to send his own son to suffer for our sins. What a powerful thing he did for us. So it is hard to think about suffering but we would not be the person we are on a daily bases if we did not have that. How great is our inheritance that we have waiting for us. Praise God and glory to him. Thank you Lori for your insight everyday about our Lord Jesus Christ. Keri
I know of no one who has such a gift for expressing the feelings of so many people who are or have gone thru similar situations...thank you for your heart for Our Lord, and thank you for a heart for everyone around you. You bless my heart and I cry with you over the hurts of this world...but Praise Our Mighty God because in Jesus He has overcome all pain and suffering that we go thru. May God continue to hold Caed's hand and hold you up as you all go thru this for His Glory and may he Bless you in abundance always. Cyndy
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