Todd and I have been contemplating for several weeks the idea of us going to Nebraska. From the beginning, we had drs. mention it to us, but more in the context of "possible transplant." When the word (Nebraska) was even mentioned, I got chills and did not want to hear about it! Having to go to Nebraska meant "we are at the end of our rope....there's nothing else we can do." (in my mind) However, by divine providence the Lord placed a precious family in our lives a few months ago: J. & Tana Free (daughter Kensley). Their daughter was born with a malrotation and has gone down a very similar road like us. They just got back from their evaluation in NE and returned so positive and hopeful. I could hear it in their voices....they feel that this is really going to be the answer. After talking thoroughly with them and discussing it today with Dr. Higgins, we have come to the conclusion this just might be the answer for us as well. Or at least can't hurt! Basically, the way it will probably play out is Todd, Caed, and I will travel up there in the next few weeks (possibly) for the initial evaluation. Then, later.....Caed and I will temporarily move to Omaha for approximately a month. We will find a furnished 1 bedroom apartment, and Caed will have to go in a few times a week for his appointments. Then, once they feel they have his particular treatment under control (& working), we will come home and our dr. will carry out the "new plan" from Tx. There will be a team of drs. working on Caed's case.
I will admit I am nervous about the whole thing, but also VERY excited. Todd and I both feel strongly about it and pray this will be another piece of the puzzle to Caed's ultimate healing. Please begin to pray that everything will fall into place.
We will start school next Mon. for Reagan, and then my mom will take over as "substitute" after I leave. I am very confident in her ability, and know that Reagan will do just fine. However, also pray for my mom having to homeschool and take care of Caleb (alone). Todd's mom also will be able to help out some. This is going to require a lot from everyone to make it work, but I know the Lord is faithful and will provide all we need.
A lot is fixing to be on our plate in the next month or two; however, we feel confident this is the road the Lord has set before us.....and this time when we hear the word "Nebraska.....", there is a smile! Thank you God for answering my prayer for clarity!
Caed's sweet Home Health nurse, Laura.
We love you and thank you for being a constant in Caed's
life. He has grown to love and trust you. Thank you for that!
Also thank you for always listening to worries, fears,
concerns, etc.... and giving me good sound advice. I certainly
have come to look forward to your weekly visits.
We are so happy to see some weight gain and that the Lord has shown you your next path. We'll continue to pray for Caed and that clear direction and results come soon.
Lori, Todd, and family,
As you approach your 200th blog entry, I just felt pressed to tell you how much God's voice has been heard for our family (and for so many others I'm sure), through your words. Lori, I've often thought as I'm reading that you have been blessed with such a gift for writing, and I want to thank you many times over for taking the time to keep all of us informed and for those adorable pictures. We feel so close to all of you through these. Our little Brenna prays with us for Caed each night, and she's never even met him personally. We will cover your plans to head to Nebraska in prayer, and know that we love you all dearly. Thank you again for sharing so much of yourself and being a reminder that we are all simply humans that continually need our Heavenly Father!!
Love in Christ,
The Butler's - Andrews,TX
We are still reading the blog and enjoy the pictures. Cooper always remembers to pray for Caed and asks about how he is doing. It is so wonderful to be able to show him the blog and his progress. He has learned so much about caring and praying for others through this whole experience. Thank you for your obedience, discipline, and perserverence through it all. I truely admire you and have gained alot of wisdom from you. Know that we continue to pray for you and your family.
Happy Birthday Caed!
The Raymond's
We love you Caed!!! We love the rest of you to, of course! We are and will continue praying for you. God will make a way...
Lori & Todd,
How thankful we are for how God has protected your sweet family...for the progress we've seen over the last few months! We continue to pray for you and for Caed. I'm so glad to hear that God is giving you clear direction about the next step for Caed's care. You are so blessed to have your family there to help. It is in times like these that we realize how much our family and their support mean to us. Thanks for being so faithful in your updates. It is wonderful to have such a tangible example of God's faithfulness right at our fingertips!
With much love in Christ,
The Bennett's (Miss JoJo & family)
I know this was a big decision to go to Nebraska, but it sounds like God has again been so good to make it clear to you. You've asked for His guidance and clarity and He has answered. We can trust that He will also take care of the details and ease any fears along the way. We'll all still be here...praying and loving you!
Yea for the 34lbs! That's about how much I'd like to lose!!!!
Amy O.
Lori, I would love to help Ann out when I can with Caleb and Reagan. I will contact Ann to see what I can do to come along side and help in whatever way you guys need it!
Lori & Todd --
You continue to be in our thoughts & prayers. Not a day goes by that I don't check the blog for an update. We will continue to think & pray for you when you travel to Nebraska.
Lori - You amaze me and you have a gift that not everyone is blessed with. Your gift of writing and being a wonderful teacher of Christ is amazing. I admire you in more ways than you could ever know. I know that you have struggled with so much since this journey began and I think of you daily. I pray that God guides you through everything that is upcoming in your life. You are a wonderful woman who is reaching people that you have never met through this blog. Keep your eyes to God and He will guide you down the right path, even when Satan jumps in the way, God will reach out and lead you.
Lots of prayers go out each day for each of you -- Lori, Todd, Regan, Caed, Caleb, all of the grandparents, aunts/uncles, doctors, nurses and everyone else that is part of your lives -- always remember that.
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