Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Turnaround

The 24 hours after our discharge were probably the worst we have seen since surgery. Either Caed was asleep (from meds) or crying in pain. We had been transported back to a time when that's all Caed did for weeks at a time. Todd and I were speechless. What was the cause? What do we do? By about 11 this morning, I was headed for my phone to call the docs. That's when it happened: Caed has been fighting the normal post-op cough pretty badly. He just couldn't shake it. I had 3 c-sections and remember vividly the horrible pain that came when needing to cough. The nurses would always say to grab a pillow and hold it tightly against the incision. I instead wanted to grab a pillow and SMACK them on the head! So, I knew (somewhat...I had stitches rather than left OPEN) the pain that Caed was having with each cough. This morning, he started crying and coughing....and then threw up really big. We hoped that would help.....and it did.

I left the room for awhile and when I walked back in...a huge surprise was waiting for me. Caed and Todd were sitting at the table and were working on some Legos. He started talking (really for the first time since surgery) and just seemed overall that he had been given great relief in pain. For the remainder of the day, he continued to act more like the Caed we all know and love. He walked more (although very slow and hunched over) and finally really ATE! We took several walks around the hospital (with Caed in wheelchair) and even went outside to get some fresh air. His spirits have been enormously lifted, as well as Todd and I's.

Traveling tomorrow is still going to be hard. 4 different airports and 8 hours. I think if we can stay on top of his medication and make sure we have a wheelchair, we should be ok. It will be hard on him, but hopefully manageable. Yesterday I wasn't sure it would even be possible. Thank you once again for praying for this situation.

This hospital admission completely caught us off guard. Nothing about the last 4 days was what we had expected. This was supposed to have been 'easy.' Tube removal and revision of incision.
However, with what Dr. M discovered while working on incision, along with the decision to leave wound open....took us down a very different path. Ultimately, a good one, but hard.

Today also marked my first solo dressing change. Caed cried obviously, and Mama and Daddy held their breath. Exhaling only after it was complete. He asked Todd if he would cover his eyes for him. Caed is normally one to always want to watch EVERYTHING in detail being done to him. After Thursday's shock of our lives....he may never want to see anything ever again. I don't blame him. I will still have nightmares on that one. Caed's incision(s) are looking "good." Tough to really say that as a Mom. But, comparatively speaking....yes, SO much better.

We have had 4 "bad days." And thus far, 1/2 of a good one. Amazing how you can experience the lowest of lows....and the highest of highs all in 1 single day. We are praising God tonight. He not only heard Caed's cries for help, but ours as well.

...the healing is just beginning

Consider what God has done. Who can straighten what HE has made crooked? When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made one as well as the other.
Ecc. 7:13-14

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