Thursday, February 23, 2012

Baby Steps

Just a quick update on the last few days:

Days = good (few pain spells)
Nighttime = lots of crying and pain
Dressing changes = lots of anxiety, as well as pain. Main ab incision is changing, but Todd and I weren't sure if it was a "good or bad" change.

Overall Caed is doing well. He still walks like a little old man....all hunched over, but at times can really pick up his speed. Weaning from pain med has not gone like Todd and I wanted, but we're having to remind ourselves "It's only been a WEEK!"

Caed made a surprise visit to school yesterday (via Nana). He was chomping at the bit to come up and see his friends. He was SO well as the rest of the class! I have had to give several "reminders" about being easy around Caed, but they are all so caring and protective of him. It also helps (immensely) that I am his teacher! I can keep my eyes on him 24/7.

Today, we decided to let Caed just go to school til lunchtime. 3 hours. I thought it would be fairly easy. During those 3 morning hours, we are solely in our classroom. I knew there would not be any long walks to the library, etc... He did well.....for about an hour. Then, came to me with "that look." He was very pale and had tears in his eyes. At that point, I thought "What have I done? He is not ready for all this yet." It was time for more pain med, so I gave him some and let him lay his head on his desk. Within about 30 minutes, he perked up and even began raising his hand to answer Math questions. Whew! But, by lunch, I knew it was time. He was tired and just didn't have that "Caed spunk." Tomorrow we will attempt the same thing.

In the meantime, Todd and I have been a little concerned or just flat out confused as to what exactly this incision is supposed to be looking like at this stage. A few nights ago it looked completely different when the bandages were taken out. Afterward, I was truly sick at my stomach. Not from doing it....but rather thinking we were backsliding (incision looked worse). I called a sweet friend here in our hometown who has great knowledge in wound care, and she kindly paid us a visit this evening. Afterward, she encouraged our hearts so much by all looked good! I can't believe I'm writing this.....but we seem to be having another "mystery stitch" issue however. An ornery blue stitch ONCE AGAIN is showing its awful face. We're just not sure what to make of it. I will take a picture and discuss it with NE soon.

Caed not only got a visit tonight by sweet Nurse Sandy, but also her super-amazing son, Tanner. 2008 has a lot in common for these 2 special guys. Both of them went through life-altering traumatic experiences. Both of them are as tough as nails. Both of them were hand-picked by God to do a great work through a painfully hard journey. Tanner talked with Caed, and gave him some wonderful encouraging words. I know Caed has no clue the magnitude of those simple words spoken to him. Maybe someday....many many years from now, Caed will be the one getting to visit a sick little boy and offering his own life lessons. Thank you Tanner!

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