Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An answer was found!

This morning Caed was in an unusually good mood...did not seem the least bit stressed, but rather was very occupied with his latest obsession (learning to juggle). However as surgery time inched closer, he became very quiet. Never made as much as a whimper, but rather turned completely mute. The different doctors and nurses even commented several times at how impressed they were with his 'bravery.' Caed told me this morning as we were getting ready that it wasn't the surgeries that he didn't like.....but rather when they wheeled him away from us. I couldn't agree with him more. That part is very torturous.

The surgery lasted about an hour and 1/2. Dr. M came out and said he thinks he discovered the culprit to our stubborn 8 month long incision issue. Apparently part of his intestine became attached to the underlying tissue...and he also of course found lots of infection. We were completely shocked. But....should have known those ornery intestines had a role in it. We have high hopes though now that healing can finally take place.

Caed has been in quite a bit of pain since surgery. Dr. M had to cut (and dig around) more than originally expected since he was trying to find the cause of the incision trouble, but again Caed is being super strong. If we can get through these first 24 hours....he should be back to his normal crazy self in no time.

The "no feeding tube" really hasn't hit me yet. I guess since we haven't seen it or the other 2 incisions yet. Hopefully they will remove bandages tomorrow during rounds.

Thank you all once again for your outpouring of support during this time. LORD WILLING, this will be the last surgery for a very, very long time.


Bethany said...

So glad to hear!!! Continuing to pray for everyone. Love to all! :)

Unknown said...

Praying for a smooth, speedy recovery. What a testimonial to our Lord's goodness and mercy!!