God used our time in Nebraska to teach me many, many things. However, one that has stood out to me the most since we've been home is the old familiar saying................Less is more!
As hard as it was at times living in that little one room with 2 of my kids for almost 3 months, wow!......I sure learned a simplified version of living. As I've stated before, I definitely missed the conveniences of home (bathtub, full size frig/freezer/comfortable bed/stove), however, the Lord used the Lied and our time there to tangibly show me................Less is more!
The kids and I had just enough clothes there to get us through.....there were just enough toys to keep them busy and happy.......there were just enough dishes to get us through the day....and just enough room to stretch our legs. Now, that we are home, I can't begin to tell you how many times a day I am doing dishes, laundry, and tripping over thousands of toys. We have too much stuff!
I would not label myself a 'pack-rat' by any means, but yes, I do have that tendency (especially with clothes) to think....."Maybe someday, I will lose weight and be able to fit into all these again." or "You just never know when someone is going to throw an 80's party, and we will need these clothes." ha! Even with the kids' toys. Sometimes it is easy to throw things out, but others hold sentimental value. Just yesterday I found myself going through Reagan's drawers and was finding tiny little socks. And, then, got so excited when I came across her very first bathing suit!!! Why in the world did I hang on to that? She is 8!!
Just coming off of our NE stay is helping me "depart" with many things. I am remembering how we made it just fine with the little we had. The kids were happy, and I promise you.....used their imagination much more while playing. They did not whine and complain for fancy toys, just naturally found other "fun" things to do with what we had.
Have you ever been on a mission trip or heard someone who has come and talk about their experience? I have yet to hear a "mission trip testimony" where these words were not used:
"The people had nothing.....literally swept their dirt floors.....if they were fortunate they had a pair of shoes.....and yet, they were HAPPY! To see the joy in their faces was astounding!"
I have been on several trips like this and remember coming home and having to readjust to our American culture. Our greedy, unsatisfied, spoiled culture! To see the hundred different brands of toothpaste to choose from in the gro. store.......these people would give anything to just have a tube.....any tube.
It definitely opens your eyes in a way you can never imagine. However, as the days pass, and then weeks, and years......we forget. We get caught up in our normal "I deserve to get whatever I want" attitude. We begin competing with "The Jones'." Trying to stay one step ahead.
This is not easy. It is most certainly a battle! I believe God truly has blessed us by allowing us to live in America. It is a wonderful country, and I am proud! However, the truth is....we ARE spoiled.
The Lied Transplant Center can not be compared to a 3rd world country, but for this family.....maybe so. Maybe it took "getting down to the basics" to open my eyes once again. I pray that God will use it to remind me the next time I'm walking the aisles of Target or the mall. "Is this something we really need or just simply want?"
I am also aware this revelation is coming to me at a very purposeful time.....Christmas. We decided to only put up a very small tree this year....no stockings....no lights....no decorations. The reason was simply because of our "move" back home. I knew I would have so many other things to do, and worrying about the Christmas decor would only add stress. Did you know Reagan and Caed have said nothing! They were excited to put up the little tree, but have yet to ask about their stockings or the other. I love it!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas! I love seeing all the lights and decor everywhere. However, I have not missed for a second the stress (and $) that it involves. I wanted this year to be meaningful. To simplify. To try to focus solely on what Christmas truly is.........a celebration of salvation! I know we can do that AND get into the holiday spirit with all the decor, the endless parties, and gift giving. But, for me, this year.......I can't. I need to be home. I need to focus on my family. I need to reflect on this past year. I need to be reminded that "Less is truly more!!!!"
And all God's people said.....AMEN!
Oh, Lori! How Jeff and I both have been saying that lately! We HAVE too much stuff and we WANT too much stuff. However, I find myself being worse around this time of year. So, thanks for the reminder! I really want to teach my kids (as yours has learned this year) that we are blessed no matter what or how much we have, because of the wonderful gift of salvation!!
Love you,
You have inspired me for so many months with your blog but today I feel totally blessed from it. You expressed my feelings exactly. I sometimes feel like a scrooge when I tell my family that I only want to honor Jesus at this time of year
It is his birthday not theirs and our gifts should be to his glory. Do unto others as they so desperately need it. Look around and see the needs of others.That is what I feel at Christmas. So many are hurting and in need. Jesus gave us the ultimate gift many years ago.May we simply give thanks for all his blessings on us and for the many answered prayers this year.
We are also paring down this year with Cork's new job not quite "taking off" yet. It is a bit freeing! I am staying out of stores and not looking at ads and it is amazing how much money you can save! Good for you to make it simple and yet enjoy!
Love you,
AMEN sista! Such a beautiful way to say it all as usual. We are going thru the same thing and wondering....do we really need this large house? what can we give away to someone else? We were talking to the kids about Christmas and how we were not going to be able to buy alot of gifts this year. Olivia said, "Mom, we have everything we need. A house to live in, warm beds and food to eat. And we are all together. That's all we need." I was blown away.
Thanks again for your words. We are thrilled that you are back home in Celina!
amy o.
Join the club! We are keeping it simple too, giving our time rather than gifts. I think we honor God much more this way too. It teaches the kids valuable Christmas traditions rather than commercial,and consumer debt.
Caed weighs the same as Cooper, Way to Go!
Bridget R.
The Lord has been teaching me this same lesson during this year, Lori. It is quite humbling, so I've found. Haven't missed a thing that the Lord has said to give up and/or share. May your Christmas truly glorify the Savior. Let HIS light shine through you.
Still praying..
In His great love,
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