Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sat. 11/8 - update

We've been here almost 9 weeks now! I can't believe it. Again, this is going to be something that is hard for most to understand, but Omaha has kinda become "home" to me now. I don't really feel like a "tourist or visitor" anymore. I truly have had many homes this past year. At one point, the 3rd floor of Covenant Children's became home. Then, this summer it was Idalou. Now, Omaha and the Lied have taken over. One of our IRP nurses made the comment last week when Dr. Mercer said we were getting close to going home, ....."wherever that is!" In some ways I agree. We have truly lived through a whirlwind the last 9 months, and my life back on Doloris Ct. in Celina seems like an eternity ago. I do however LONG to get back and start our new life as a family of 5. In my mind I am already preparing for the move back. Oh! So much to do....and at a very stressful time (December). Not only is there Christmas, but also my birthday and Todd and I's anniversary. will be like MOVING!! We don't just have a couple of suitcases to load up and bring home. We will have been gone almost an entire YEAR! I'm trying not to stress about all that involves (not including all Caed's medical stuff that will need to get set up in Dallas), but instead just try to enjoy our family being back together. This is SO hard for me! My 'Type A' personality is screaming inside. I do not like change, and yet I have to laugh at this past year and the continual 'changes' that I have had to adapt to. Do you think God is trying to stretch me in this area? ha! I'm trying to not worry about Christmas. In fact, this will probably be the most meaningful year for us. Not that decorating trees, the house, all the lights, shopping, baking, exchanging gifts, and mailing out Christmas cards is a bad thing, ......but it sure causes the holidays to be hectic, huh? That's not what it's supposed to be about. We all know that. And yet, every year we seem to get caught up in it. I'm praying that the Lord will use this year and our situation to teach me SIMPLICITY. To not worry about all the other and just focus on Him....the abundant blessings He has given our family this year, and simply rest in a family reunited. I want to just soak it all in. Like I said before, this sounds so simple, but it really will be a struggle for me to not get overwhelmed. I guess that's why I'm trying to prepare my heart and mind NOW.

We had another tough morning again today. Caed woke up crying that his tummy was hurting. After about 45 minutes, I decided to unhook him from his feedings and also skip the Imodium dose. I could tell he was having pain spasms. He would be ok one minute and then crying the next. Finally, around 2:00, he went to the restroom. Without going into a lot of detail, let's just say he was better after that. Todd and I are wondering if his intestines will possibly hurt the thicker (and more normal) his stools get. ???? He only had 3 stools all day, however he ate very little.

I got a message from one of the IRP nurses saying one part of his stool sample came back positive. I guess I will find out Mon. what it is and what they want to do. Not sure if it's just the c-diff again or something different.

This was supposed to be a big week for Caed (being totally off the IV fluids), and yet the last 2 days have not gone very well. I don't think it has anything to do with the fluids, but just not sure what's going on, and why he has started hurting again after all these months.

Still no snow here, but the forecasters are saying there is another possibility Mon. and Tues. The kids are praying. Caed wore his "snow boots" all afternoon! ha!



Carolyn said...

Boy, Lori, what a time to learn to cling to the Lord!!! He has really had you learning this lesson, hasn't He? I so totally understand. Not an easy lesson to learn, but HE get us through, doesn't He? I'll be praying for His grace and peace as you make yet another transition back home. I'm sure you will find such great pleasure in the simple things of life back home. It will become such a delightful place for you and your family. May He bless your adjustment of all living together again abundantly.
Praying for Caed's pain and the positive test results. The Lord will work it all out for His greatest glory, I am sure.
Sending my love and prayers to you all. Enjoy the snow when it finally comes!
In His great love,
Carolyn O'Cain

Anonymous said...

Lori, This is exciting news about Caed. I am continuing to pray for good results and for you all to be back at home by the holidays. That would be awesome. God Bless you and your family and continue to lean on the Lord. Many prayers and much love to you all.
Love, Mistie Stone