A few members of our IRP team:
Dr. Grant (transplant surgeon)....Brandi (IRP coordinator).....and Brandy (dietitian)
Dr. Mercer (head of IRP / surgeon) and 2 others stepped out right before the picture - maybe next time.
We have really grown to love these people. They have become our friends. They sure love Caed too (which always helps....ha!)
Caed's appointment went well. He gained a little more this week (4-5 ounces), and all lab work continues to look great! They want us to keep everything "as is" for a few weeks, then we will slowly begin increasing his tube feeds. He is at 100 cc. now. If we can get him up to 120, Caed will be allowed to have 4 "backpack free" hours each day!! The plan will be to slowly increase over time so he can be "FREE" all day....only hooked up when he sleeps. Then, eventually, Lord willing, we will cut those hours too. He continues to be on antibiotic therapy (for the next 6 weeks). Hopefully we can get rid of this c-diff once and for all! Caed has been having on average 4-5 stools a day. Yesterday, it was back up to 8. His diet was not different, so not sure why the change. Maybe somedays are just going to be like that. ???? Once we get home, Caed will have to go in for weekly blood draws and weight checks. We will also have to get started with a Pedi Endocrinologist.
They want to see Caed again in January. I'm sure by then......Caed will finally get to see the snow he's been begging for!!!
Just one of the many HSM3 dance shows we have daily!!
Things are looking good, Lori. Won't be long now till y'all are on your way home! Love the HSM dancing!
Continuing to pray as always.
Sending my love to you all.
In His great love,
Carolyn O'Cain
Good news! Texas, here we come---
I loved the HSM dance. Reagan, why didn't you join in? Not enough space in your little room? Oh well, you both can show us your new "moves" when you get home. Have fun your last two days in Omaha. See y'all soon. Don't forget to give Daddy his birthday spanking when he gets there!! Love, kisses and hugs--Grammy
Praise the Lord. He is so good. I cannot wait till you are home as your family of 5 again. What a day of rejoicing that will be.
Loved the pics. Caed looks so good and shows he is feeling good again.
I can't tell you what a blessing this blog has been to me. Prayers will keep coming your way from me.
Caed sure does have some fancy dance moves! Looks like he's feeling really good. Happy Travels on your way back home!
Heather Roberts & Family
Dang dude he can dance better thatn I can
Holy Cow!!! Caed actually looks like he kinda knows what hes doing with those dance moves! He'll be the next Napoleon Dynamite!!! Great to here the good news!
I highly recommend Dr. Sher at Medical City. We can talk when you get back. We look forward to having you all back. Audra Gravley
I love your dance Caed!!!!!
Sam Owen
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