Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Mother's rite of passage

They say pictures are worth a 1000 words. Yep. I think I could come up with about that many on this one. Only wish there was sound to go with it. This was Caleb (not literally) from 1:30 - 4:45 last night. I have NO idea what was wrong, but I think I tried to cover all the bases. (bottle, diaper, Tylenol, ear drops, teething tablets, rocking, singing, walking, pulling my hair out) I have only experienced one other night similar to this with him, but my mom was there helping out. We ended up loading in the car and driving to WalMart at 2 am. Of course, I also had some short nights the 2 weeks after his birth, but nothing like this. I know every mom is due several of these "midnight bonding moments" with their babies at some point or another. (Steve and Angie....I remembered your experience w/ Bergan and kept checking his toes! ha!)

As I sat rocking Caleb last night something jumped out at me. Stacey, I remember you posting a comment early on when Caed was at his worst. You apparently experienced "one of these" nights with your little one and you said thinking of Caed made you put your sleepless night in perspective. Thank you for your words. Not only then, but especially now. The Lord used your simple statement to get me through a tough night myself. I have missed out on so many things with Caleb, and all-nighters are one of them. (my mom and dad took care of those for me) That may sound crazy that I would miss something like that. It's probably not that I missed having to get up through the night, but rather missed the "experience with Caleb". Believe me....I had my share of sleepless nights with Caed this year. He definitely made up for it.

I guess fear will always be there. Caleb would cry and cry.....get ok......and then start back up again. (for 3 solid hours) Caed did this similar thing the day we took him into the ER. Our minds will always go there. I know it will...............

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Sorry you had such a long night! I can't believe you went to Walmart at 2am! Ha. I'll remember that the next time Matthew decides to scream the night away. Of course, I think I might be a little afraid of Walmart at 2am!

I hope Caleb doesn't decide to help you make up for too many missed sleepless nights!

Every time I think of you guys now, the first part of Joel 2:25 plays through my mind... "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten..." I hope this year truly is a restorative year and you will get to build twice the happy memories as a family to make up for so many that were taken from you last year. We continue to pray for continued healing for Caed every day.