Monday, March 12, 2012


As you can see from these two photos, we ARE making progress! The first one was taken exactly 2 weeks ago. The last one was taken this evening. (fortunately I didn't take pictures during the deep, "packing stage.")

We are more encouraged now. But, honestly have been concerned with the appearance of those ornery blue stitches. They were supposed to have dissolved deep under the tissue.....beneath the opened incisions. However, leave it to the Caed-man for it not to go "as planned." NE isn't too concerned, but want us to really keep our eyes on them. Said they have seen it happen in other kids. Our plan will be to wait for complete closure and then remove the stitches. Really praying it works this time!! (last time we had a stitch poke out like this, it wouldn't budge when Dr. G went to pull it out. But it also had been in there 5 long months. Possible adhesions, infection, etc....could have been the cause.) We have an appt. with Dr. G tomorrow for her to take a look. Nothing should be done....other than get a doctor's eyes on him.

Otherwise, he is doing SO WELL!! Silly 'ole Caed is definitely back! Zero pain medication is needed these days, and he finally moved back to his top bunk last night. He is not hunched-over anymore, and in fact....has a bounce (or strut) back in his step. Once again, our main concern with Caed is for him to "take it easy." The sad part is, he has been listening to those 3 little words now for almost......9 months! I am SO READY to let this boy loose! (and I know he is even more ready to be given the full green light). Our prayer is for him to be ready by baseball season. Still uncertain at this point....but even looking at these 2 pictures taken 14 days apart, we are hopeful.

Thanks for the continued prayers!

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