Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Surgery #4...

is set for Friday. This one however, should be MUCH less "traumatic" than the last 3. Caed will have his gallbladder removed. They have searched for every probable cause to his pain, and feel this is it. Everything else has come back "normal." His gb doesn't look right, is contracting, and has very thick walls. Not sure if he has any stones....they weren't able to see.

Caed knows NOTHING of this as of now. He gets so scared by the dreaded "S" word, so I am trying to keep him as happy as I can.....for now. I am not sure what time it is scheduled for, but will let you know. Surgery is surgery....for Mommies and Daddies having to sit out in the waiting room. I am still VERY nervous, but know God is still in control. I mainly just hate that Caed continues to have to deal with issues. (pain, meds, surgery, scopes, xrays, trips across the country to see docs, etc...) I shouldn't complain. Just long for complete normalcy for him. Tough seeing these kids go through all they do. (and Caed is one of the "healthy ones.")

Todd will be flying in tomorrow....which I am SO relieved. It's been tough being here alone with all the issues Caed is having. Once Todd has to go back to work (Mon) dad will come and help Caed and I the remainder of the time (and to get home).

I really dislike updating this way. Short and sweet. But....knew I needed to get this info out. It's truly a praise!!! And Lord willing Caed will be feeling MUCH better once it's out. Definitely worth it. Thank you again for your prayers!


Tina Coleman said...

Continuing to pray for you guys--our little Caed bear--bless his heart! God is good--he holds you in the palm of his hand.
Much love and prayers coming your way!

Anonymous said...

Praying for Caed and the whole family. He is one tough little boy but I know this is so hard on him and you. Seeing your children hurt is so hard.

Sheri Crabb

Colleen said...

Thinking of you all the time!! Praying for Caed and you of course!

