One thing we have really noticed with Caed is his appetite. He NEVER ate like this before. He was always a very small eater. Not sure the reason fully now, but we literally are having to tell him 'no' because he would eat non-stop if we let him! Not complaining. It's definitely a praise after you have a child that you have had to "force" to even lick a popscicle!
Cousins Kambree & Cannon
This may look like a simple "bathtime picture" but it's not. Tonight was one of those milestones for Caed. Throughout the whole time in the hospital and even up until a couple of weeks ago....Caed has only been sponge bathed. He did not want in the tub, and would cry if we made him. So, every night I sat him beside the tub and would clean him with a warm, soapy washcloth. A few weeks ago, he wanted to just stand in the tub with about 2 inches of water. Again, I would just clean him good with a cloth. Tonight however.....Reagan was bathing and I looked over and Caed was sitting down in the tub too! Notice his big grin!! He held his tube up so not to get it wet, and his G-tube (which you cannot see) was also out of the water. this little boy he was finally getting to enjoy a simple bath. (even though it only lasted a couple of minutes) Caed used to be my "bath-boy" before all this happened. He would ask to get in the tub at all hours of the day. Hopefully soon.....he can be "free" to really enjoy them again.
**btw....about 10 minutes after Caed got out of the tub, he dropped my camera in the water!!!!
I quickly got it out and immediately grabbed the memory card. I was just sick thinking all my pictures on it were probably gone. Thank the Lord....they weren't! Now, as for my camera, that's another story.
Praise the LORD! What great news and what fun time for him to enjoy a bath... how simple of a thing. I continue to pray for him as God continues to strength his body. Love Ya´ll
Matthew threw our digital camera in the bathtub. I feel your pain...
That boy has a CRAZY look in his eyes.......scaring me a tad!! Love love.
I dropped my camera in the toilet! Let it dry and give it some time. I bet it will work again! My did! So glad to hear the good news!!
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