Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby steps....and I'm not referring to Caleb

If I have heard the words, "Don't get'll all get finished eventually!" once....I've heard it 1000 times. And I love all of you for this simple, yet encouraging statement. However, by nature....Lori tends to get overwhelmed way too easily! It's in my DNA, I guess. I have never lived in an immaculate, germ-free, mess-free house....yet it's what I desire. Order. I want it so badly, and feel I am a better wife and mother when I have it. Yet it seems so far from my grasp. I sat for 4 days after my mom left....just staring at the boxes, the piles, the mess. I didn't even know where or how to begin again. However, last night I had a "revelation:"

Just make a list (I LOVE lists!!), and pick 1 or 2 jobs to accomplish that particular day. Once you have done them, stop. Relax. Live. Enjoy your family.

So....that's what I have done today. We were ''iced in" here this morning. Schools were canceled. Being a home schooler though, we don't have "bad weather days." But, I decided to give the kids the day off, and allow them to have a free play day, so that I could begin tackling my 2 jobs: 1) finish unpacking the rest of their school stuff, reorganize it, and begin new lesson plans. 2) tackle the boxes and piles in Todd and I's bathroom. (It's absolutely dreadful!)

The rest of the mounds are still there strategically placed around our home. There are still 3 giant boxes which sit in our entryway that have only been "looked at." And yet, thank the Lord......I feel peace! Peace knowing "it will get done.....eventually." Peace knowing I can function and be a good wife and mom and still have "mountains of madness" lurking at me with every turn. Peace knowing we are home, happy, and healthy.

Just when you get a cabinet organized.....look what happens! Actually, I can't blame Caed for this one. His little brother was the one who emptied it, which then only made him tempted to make it his "hang out" for the day.


Anonymous said...

Yep the picture of Cade in the cabinet just makes it look like a home with 3 kiddo's and lots of love.So happy for you all.

Anonymous said...

Everyone need that one special place to just hang out by themselves, think Caed might have found his.
Miss you all