Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mic key vs. Mini

So far.....the new "Mini One" button is great! His stoma looks so much better; although it may be difficult to see that in the picture. We have begun putting a cortisone cream around it and the redness, etc....have all but disappeared. The only issue we have had with it was the first 24 hrs. It is virtually the exact same device as the mic key, but the feel is different. Therefore, when I went to attach the extension tube to it, I had to really work at it. Because it's smaller, it's a little harder to grab onto. The first night he had his new button, he woke up around 3 am swimming in NeoCate/stomach fluids. It was wonderful!!!!! And if you've ever had the pleasure of having either of those spill on you.....then you know his room stunk for days. I did everything I could think of...washed sheets, bed protector, comforter, carpet....infinite sprays of Lysol....and put at least 5 different Glade products all around his room! ugghhh! It was awful. Apparently I thought I had the tube inserted correctly. So, the next night I MADE SURE I did! I think I about have it figured out now.

Caed is continuing to do wonderful. Todd and I were a little concerned a few weeks ago thinking he was losing weight. But, this morning when we weighed him again, it showed 45.5 lbs. (he's basically maintaining....and slowly gaining) Which is perfect. He has his dreaded monthly blood draw this afternoon. However, this time he is excited. (because I will pull him out of school a little early) When he left out this morning, he told me, "I can't wait for my blood draw today! I'm lucky, huh....Mommy?" Well.....I don't know about "lucky," but if pulling him out of school an hour early makes the blood draw seem like a "special treat"..........then we'll have to do this every time!

This time last year we had our first meeting with our Nebraska drs. It's very surreal thinking about our time living there. It seems like a lifetime ago....and yet also like it was yesterday. Todd and I have been commenting lately how we miss it! Not the hospital and all of Caed's rehab, but just simply Nebraska. The sweet (lifelong) friends we made. The beautiful countryside and weather. The zoo. The days spent at the parks. And the sight of "football fever" with Cornhusker Red at every turn. I miss the faces. And our little home on the 6th floor of the Lied. Don't get me wrong! I am SO thankful to be HOME....and to have our life return to "normal" again....but like I've said many times before, NE will always hold a very special place in our heart. We're just ready to go back for a little "visit." (which will be the end of Oct.)

(Caed and Reid)

Now.....ode to our sweet Caleb. He's only been gone 2 days, and I can hardly stand it. Maybe more so because he has left me to spend this week alone while the kids are in school. It's just TOO quiet around here! He is in great hands....and I know having a wonderful time with his grandparents in Idalou/Lubbock.


3 more days......the kids can hardly wait! (as well as Todd and I) We have been watching the Disney World DVD that Make-a-Wish gave us. We are just trying to get through the remainder of this week and not "check out" too early.


Anonymous said...

We miss you guys, too!! Hoping to reconnect sometime while you are here. Let us know the dates again when you are coming and have a great time on your vacation!!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip and lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

Caed was telling me all about his upcoming trip at church last night. He was excited about the airplane. He said it would take 3 hours, but he didn't mind. He would just watch a movie....ha ha He told me he most wanted to see Buzz Lightyear! Have fun!!

Heather Roberts