Sunday, April 8, 2012


This unfortunately needs to be very short tonight. (although I have MUCH I want to share) We are all utterly exhausted, and I have a feeling we'll be getting very little sleep tonight either.

We got home about 9 this evening. Praise GOD for that!! BUT....Caed is still in quite a bit of pain. The x-rays this morning showed lots of air in the right side of his bowel. This is where Caed has been pointing to (complaining) since day 1. It was a REALLY hard day today. I honestly can't remember even one time in which he smiled or felt "good." Today reminded us SO much of 2008.

I will have to fast forward, but promise to come back and share an amazing thing that happened just before discharge. Thanks to YOU ALL!!

But, for now.....simply say, THANK YOU for all your prayers for him. But, also would ask you please continue. He is hurting more (continuously) than we have seen in a very long time. It WILL pass. Just extremely hard on him.....and for us to have to sit by completely helpless and watch is tough on us. I know with each passing day he will receive more relief, and before we know it, we'll be getting on to him for running in the house or pestering his little brother. (times like tonight though I sure wish it would come SOON!!!!)

Thank you again.