We began today thoroughly expecting another 7 hr. (x ray) day. We even talked to Caed and reminded him of what it was like back in April. He didn't like the idea, but was being very cooperative. They injected the barium into his g-tube around 9:00, and within 45 MINUTES it was looking as though it was through the small bowel!! We were shocked! I just couldn't believe what was "supposed to take 7 hrs"......was almost done in under 1!!!
However, we soon fell back into our normal routine with an x-ray.....walk around hospital 15-30 minutes.....x-ray.....walk......and on and on. They felt like the barium had reached the colon, but weren't sure where the small and large connected. (remember Caed lost his illeum....the connecting part) They also were wanting to double check on the narrowing portion of bowel we saw back in April. Therefore.....we had to go another 3 hrs! It was ok though. We made the time go by fast and the radiology team was wonderful. Caed told them story after story after story. They patiently listened and really grew to love him. We don't know any results from today's test, but our IRP team will be in contact once we get back home.
Once they gave us the green light to leave, we headed over to the Children's Museum. Caed had lots of fun....and Mommy and Daddy desperately tried to keep up and stay awake. (we are exhausted) Our flight leaves Omaha at 6:15 in the morning, so we better get to bed at a decent hour tonight.
Again we want to say a special THANK YOU to 4 very generous people who helped make this trip possible for us. Wayne and Kendall.....for everything you do to get us from OMA to DAL (and back again!) You have NO idea what a HUGE blessing this is for our family. To Carol and Cordell (our NE family).....thank you for offering up one of your vehicles for us to use this week. Again....a HUGE blessing! Thank you also for your continued warm hospitality. You truly have become our family and we love you so very much! (Sunday lunch with all our NE friends was so fun! Just makes us smile thinking how God put you all into our lives) And lastly...thank you to everyone who prayed for us (particularly Caed-man) this week! We felt them and God showed His faithfulness once again!
So happy that the day went by faster than expected and you all were able to go do something fun before leaving in the morning. We are so blessed to have such a good team of doctors and staff and such amazing friends, who take such good care of the Hollingsworth family. Praise God!! Look forward to talking to y'all soon. Praying for a safe flight. Love to all--Grammy
Lori...it's so refreshing hearing how you walk with Caed...it's not easy and we know your human but God is working in and through you and thank you for sharing. Pleased that this trip was pleasant and that things worked better than you thought...even the fall colours are neat. Praying that God will continue leading as you head home again.
Love across the miles,
The McLays
So glad to hear the trip was easier than expected. Praying for good results. Thanks for sharing.
Sheri C.
Glad everything went better than expected. I became a "bawl" bag praying for you guys last night during our church's ladies prayer night. Just so thankful that God saved Caed! Love you,
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