Finally got a picture of my Thing 1.....Thing 2.....and Thing 3
I have said before how different Reagan and Caed are (girls v. boys), and it also has been very evident in their learning styles. For Caed, it has taken him a little longer to catch the "learning bug." Up until a few weeks ago, he had in schoolwork. Would just as soon be playing ball, dancing, or beating on his drums. However, lately it has all started to click for him. He is doing great, and is SO proud to read to us each day. Don't get me wrong....I still think Caed is going to probably end up being the athlete or entertainer of the bunch, but we are VERY VERY proud to see him grow in this way.
The rest of the family is still doing great. No one else has caught the flu, which I am daily thanking God for. Tomorrow is Celina's homecoming, so we have a busy day planned. Early dismissal.....parade/pep rally......big rivalry game. Should be lots of fun!!
**Devin Update - Colleen said today was a little better. He began peeing more (with the help of meds)....they weaned him off some of the vent settings.........his blood gases look good.....but chest x-ray is unchanged. She is asking for you to PLEASE continue to pray. Devin's 6th birthday is coming up on the 23rd. What an amazing gift it would be for him to be walking and eating again!!!!
S-o-o-o-o the T-shirts AND the THINGS! HA So glad that Caed is doing better and that no one else has caught the flu bug! Hope you enjoy
"homecoming" tomorrow - - - Grammy is at Matt and Kristi's, so I am keeping Kaimen while she is gone. Hope she doesn't bring in the flu from the day care to me and Mother! Give the kids a big hug from me....Love you all..Aunt MeMe
Thanks for the updated's so lovely to see children being enjoyed and enjoying each other :) Praying also for Devin as well as following blog...May God be with you all in what you are walking through...
With greetings,
McLay family, NZ
I just LOVE those 3 things of yours! They are so precious! Thanks for continuing to update and thanks for posting pictures! We continue to pray for all of you.
Hugs and kisses
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