Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tues. 6/24 - update

Today was a very good day! He only threw up once and that was first thing this morning. He ate several things (ALL of which stayed down!!) Thank you God for giving us this encouragement! The trip back to Lubbock was good. Although we did not tell Caed we where leaving (until the last minute). We dropped Reagan off at VBS, and then Todd drove us to the airport. (he and Reagan will stay all week and then fly back Sun. night) Caed was a little sad at first, and didn't understand, but I quickly explained....and he was totally fine with it. He enjoyed the flight, only needed to "run" to bathroom once while in the air (which was interesting fitting both of us in it).

Caed has a GI appt. tomorrow. Please pray his numbers have not elevated (bilirubin, in particular). He is looking so much better, but you can still see the yellow in his eyes.

(to answer your question...WE are not selling the candles, but a few sweet women in Celina are)

Finally all 3 home at last
(we pray for MANY more fun days
together playing in their playroom)

it was crazy hat day at VBS
(they decorated their own)

surfin' at the airport

on the flight back to Lubbock
(he was pretty serious about "reading" the
safety booklet)

little brother did great too!
(thanks to Nana!)


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a safe trip.
Ashley G.

Anonymous said...

Here is the info. about the candles for Caed. contact

Kimberly McQuiston

email is;