Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 years...

and counting....

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of Caed's short gut and the trauma-filled year that followed. Thus far, I feel exactly as I did the previous 2. There is such a heaviness in my heart. Although Caed is alive today and thriving (praise GOD!)....the memories from that dark time always seem to surface more now than any other time of the year. March 1st. To be honest.....I hate this day on the calendar. It conjures up such deep pain, and flashes of those first 24...48....72 hours haunt me all day long. As hard as I try to stop them....I cannot.

I know so many of you have your own "dreaded anniversaries" that take their place on the calendar every year. A day that signifies a great loss in your life. You understand. I am only 3 years out from mine, so I cannot truthfully say that it gets better. Maybe it does. Maybe not. "Time heals all wounds." Isn't that the famous saying? I know with the passing of each year the stinging pain does lessen; however, the scar will always be there. I was recently told (in so many words)....to get over it. To "face my fears and move on." I know it was said in love. NOT to hurt me. But, it did. I assure you I have and continue to "face my fears" everyday for the past 3 years. I face it head on every night while hooking my little boy up to a machine. I face it everyday when I have to look at that awful "button" that protrudes out of his abdomen. I face it when I let him be a normal little boy and wrestle with his friends even though I am screaming inside with fear that his G-tube will be ripped out of his stomach. I face my fears every month while watching my son give blood and having to endure test after test in a hospital that we once called "home." I face them as I lug box after heavy box of medical supplies that are delivered to my front porch each month. I face them daily knowing the realization that we came so close....so very close to losing our 4 year old little boy. The events of the past 3 years are now apart of me. You cannot separate the two. There is no "getting over it." And for that, I am thankful. God, in His incredible love and providence has allowed those events (as awful as they were) to shape me. To mold me and teach me things that I would NEVER in a million years have learned otherwise. I can bawl at the drop of a hat when I hear a song that references God as "Healer." It's not just a neat church-y word that I have heard all my life. It is REAL to me now! And it will silence me to the core upon hearing it. I will continue to face my fears. And I will continue to move on....to press forward. However, I cannot move forward without remembering the events of the past. They go hand in hand. Oh, God! May I NEVER EVER forget!!!!

Yes, it's been 3 years. Three incredible years! We celebrated Caleb's 3rd birthday just a few weeks ago. I can't believe how big he has gotten. Where did my baby go? Caed is also doing well. He is happy and "short gut healthy." Reagan has made lots of new friends, got involved with cheer, and of course busy in school. We are all adjusting to our recent move and job transition. I have loved getting back into the classroom and am finally feeling more settled. We are continuing to search for a church home, but know God is in control and will lead us to just the "right one" in His perfect timing. We are very excited and eager for that day to come.

We want to thank SO many of you who have continued to follow Caed's story. It's not over, but oh, we PRAISE GOD for His work in Caed's life. Thank you for also continuing to put up with me. Thank you for simply "listening" to me vent and pour out my heart these past 3 years. I know without a doubt I have not dealt with all of this perfectly. I have made so many mistakes. But, I am learning. Thank you for being patient with me through it all.

We love each of you......and I promise I will try to update the blog better!! I have desperately missed writing. Although I am not promising anything too profound, I will do my best to post pictures (which I LOVE) and more family updates. ;)


Stacy Morris said...

Lori for what it's worth...you and your family have dealt with the last three years remarkably well! Your strong faith really shines through as a beacon to others. You are also right about life experiences and trials making us who we are. I am continually in awe of how God works all things for good. Even in the midst of trials we can look back and see God's hand at work. I for one hope that I never lose sight of the fact that God is in control of all things and that I continue to learn to lean on and rely on Him in all that I do, say and experience in my life. You are an inspiration. Don't take what others say too much to heart especially if they haven't walked the path that you have.

Stacy Roach Morris

Bridgette said...

Praising God with you today for saving Caed three years ago. Thanking him for the honor of joining along side you and your family as well as all of the others that found Caed's story. While your memories should never and will never go away this I do think that this now horrible date on your calendar will start to become one of thanksgiving for God giving Caed an incredible story to tell. LOVE YOU! Ps- miss your writing!

Anonymous said...

It is good to read your post today and rejoice with you for Caed's life and for Caleb and Reagan. What a special family you are and we feel so blessed to call you friends! Good has come from the pain...may the pain lessen someday. We thank you for the things you have shared with us. Miss you guys! Carol for us both

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the "anniversary" writing...may God continue leading and guiding in HIS ways and may you continue growing in Him. Thank you for your friendship along the way even though we haven't met...God bless and Congratulations on 3 year anniversary...hugs from across the miles...McLays

Anonymous said...

I actually thought about you all day because I did remember this was the anniversary of Caed's awful ordeal. I remember the horrors of the text messages you were sending me from the ER and then the awful days, months, etc. to follow. I still feel anxious when I think back to it, even though I was only an observer through it all (and a prayer warrior as well). I am sorry it still takes you back to those very real and dark times. I can't imagine that it wouldn't. I look at Sam and seriously can't and don't want to imagine it. I have prayed for you today and will continue to pray that God will give you the peace that passes all understanding as you remember. I am so thankful this was not the end of Caed's story, but that we still see a picture of God weaving His grace and mercy and healing in Caed's story. I love you, dear friend!

Anonymous said...

Thanking God today for the blessing of our sweet Caed! The memories have flooded my heart all day. Those many terrible days and nights come across our minds and then help us to remember how Great is our God !! As we have traveled down the past three years, God has been faithful, caring and loving....and the healer of precious Caed. May we all remember with Thanksgiving, March 1st and look for more years of good health, happiness and joy for our miracle boy! I love you Caed....Grammy

Tina Coleman said...

Praising God right along with you that He spared Caed! I, too miss the updates on the blog! I love you guys and miss you SO much!