Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's been awhile since I've blogged, and for those of you who follow this one, I apologize. I, too have about 5 blogs (our short gut or bowel transplant friends) that I am completely addicted to reading daily. When they go even a day or two without posting, I get worried and restless. Although I have to remind myself from first hand experience, no news is generally good news.

I assure you I have had plenty of things to write about, just very little time and energy to do so. It's been good for me to take a little "break" from blogging. But oh, how I miss writing! It truly is my escape...

Our time during the Christmas holidays was wonderful. We continued getting more settled into our house and particularly have enjoyed lots of good family time. My sister in law (Megan) and her little girl (Xan) have been here in the states for almost 2 months. We have LOVED it! My brother, Stan, just flew in from China a few days before Christmas. I know he was sure ready to see his girls.

I knew the 2 weeks of Christmas vacation were going to be fun (for the kids), but also a little stressful for me. I begin my new job as a 2nd grade teacher on Monday! I am taking over for a teacher that has moved. A total 100% God-thing!!! Teachers very rarely resign in the middle of the school year. The timing of our move back to Lubbock, Todd's major job change, and then this...was actually very cool to witness. One of those times when you pray about something, and then step by see God slowly laying out all the pieces of the (seemingly impossible) puzzle right before your eyes. But.....even though I know HE is in this, the butterflies in my stomach are still going strong.

The kids are doing great. Caed continues to amaze us. (and scare us at times too.....which will probably be the case forever, I'm afraid) Any little thing with him (physically) always causes Todd and I to go into OVER-analytical mode. But all in all.....he is doing SO well, we have pushed his Dec. clinic visit to March. And possibly, might even try the summer! His weight gain is probably not what it should be, but at least he is maintaining. He continues to be tube fed for about 4.5 hours each night. We thank God for a wonderful, "healthy" 2010!!

I ran across a quote today by John Piper. God promises new troubles (Matt. 6:34), new mercies (Lam. 3:23), and new hope (2 Cor. 4:16) for every day this year.

Upon reading it initially, I didn't like it. Not one bit! What on earth do you mean He promises new TROUBLES? That's not very encouraging to read on this first day of the new year. But, then to read on......there will also be new MERCIES.....and new HOPE too! Not just some time during the year, but EVERY DAY! We live in a sinful, fallen world. Yes, there will be troubles. There will be hard times. There will be tears. There will be those moments we don't think we can carry on. BUT, it doesn't end there. What feelings of complete sorrow and hopelessness if it did.

Thank you God for Your mercies. They are truly new EVERY morning. And thank you that our inner person is being renewed DAY by DAY. Help us to be ready! Ready for those daily "troubles." Help us to be aware when it rears its ugly head so we don't miss the opportunity to turn it around for good. Knowing nothing that You allow into our lives is meant to harm or destroy us. But rather, build us up, make us stronger and ultimately more like Your Son. Lord, we pray for 2011. Both good days and bad will inevitably make up this new year. Thank you in advance for the good. You continue to shower us with blessings which we do not deserve. Help us during the bad. Hold us close, and remind us of Your constant faithfulness.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Well it's about time.. LOL!!! Glad to hear all is well!! Good Luck!!! with your new job!!!