Monday, April 19, 2010

Things are going strong in the Hollingsworth Household. We are staying very busy (spending most of our days at the ballpark), and trying to finish well with our first year in public school. Todd and I have been busy coordinating summer schedules and making sure we haven't over-booked certain weeks. Summers are wonderful, but can be awfully busy in the life of a student minister (and his family's!).

Caed had a very eventful day today. He finally lost his 1st (front) tooth! To be honest I always dread this day. I just LOVE those little baby teeth. I told him I wasn't ready for him to start losing them.....and I wanted him to stay little FOREVER!! He looked at me like I had lost my mind. His other front tooth is also very loose, so I suspect we will be spending the summer with an adorable toothless grin that will melt this Mama's heart with every smile! Short Gut speaking.....Caed is doing wonderful again. NO pain spells! We are sitting at a comfortable 500 ml/night....and will probably stay that way through the summer.

Reagan is also doing great! Only 6 more weeks of which she is counting the days. The (insert sarcasm here) delightful TAKS test will take place next week, and boy are we ready!! Despised it as a teacher, and even more now as a parent. But....this too shall pass....and we will do what we have to do to get through it. Reagan has had a wonderful year in school this year. Has made the A Honor Roll every 6 weeks. We are SO proud of her! She proved to them that even as a former home school student....she could hang with the best! She is in Dance and Softball...and doing wonderful in both.

Caleb, well......he is still just as cute (and ornery) as ever! He is talking more and more, and for the first time is now in the lineup for nightly prayers. It is TOO CUTE! (hard to keep brother and sister serious when it's Caleb's turn)

I am currently taking some photography classes and hope to get some of my work on a website very soon. This has been a deep passion in my heart for SO long, and now I can hardly contain myself at the thought of something possibly coming from it. It scares me to death because I don't know the first thing about starting my own business, but I'm muddling my way through the dark trusting the Lord for guidance.

Sorry this post kinda has a Christmas card feel to it. Just thought I'd give an overview of our "non-eventful" life right now....... which I'm LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF!!!!


Bridgette said...

such GREAT pictures of your handsome, beautiful, and cute kids! :) LOVE it and the "christmas" post! you are going to do AWESOME with photography! can't wait to follow your story with it! love ya! bridgette

smorris said...

Sometimes "non-eventful" is a much better life. So glad things are going well! I'm glad to see the updates and enjoy seeing your pictures both here and on facebook!

Tina Coleman said...

LOVED the pictures! Our little Caed is growing up SO fast! I love the toothless grin, but you are so right, those baby teeth are just too cute! And Reagan--what a doll! She is just beautiful! and little Caleb--so precious--you can just see the mischief in his eyes! I'm glad things are uneventful! That's always good! Love you guys and miss you like crazy!
Hugs and kisses to all,


Can't wait to see your pictures! They will be great!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for "non-eventful" times of life!! And we are excited to see your progress as a very talented photographer. God has certainly blessed you with this talent...glad you are proceding with the class.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are taking some time to do something for yourself. You are not only a great writer but photographer also, what talent!!
Love the pictures of kids, so beautiful. Hope summer holds lots of fun uneventful days those always seem to make the best memories.