First off.....Caed is now down to night feeds only. Therefore that means....NO MORE BACKPACK! We have been weaning him down over the last 9 months, and the time has finally arrived. Currently Caed is only receiving about 10-12 hrs. of tube feeds/daily (or should I say...nightly). This is SUCH a praise! Where do we go from here? Not exactly sure. I'm guessing they will want to keep him hooked up at night for awhile. Then...we will probably continue to wean until.....he no longer needs any of it! Honestly, I can't even imagine that day. As much as I have longed for that, it will be "strange" not having that daily duty. Even now.....there is an odd feeling seeing his backpack hidden behind the piles of paper goods on the bottom shelf of the pantry. There are such deep memories associated with it. Memories of a time when our life centered around doctors and hospitals. A time when we became unofficial members of the "sick child club." (I think we still have that membership unfortunately) is a secret membership that only other parents of sick kids can relate to. It involves going out in public and getting "the stares." Something is different about that child......he is wearing a backpack and it's not even time for school! Oh, but wait....there's more! This backpack seems to be connected to his stomach. Oh dear! Don't look! Well, maybe just one more glance...... We've all experienced it in some form or fashion. Those of us in this "secret club." But little boy doesn't have that distinguishing trademark of 'sickness.' He looks, acts, talks, completely normal. This is an answer to prayer! And's hard to let it go. It has defined us now for the past 18 months. People rarely talk to us without mentioning Caed. He has been the center of a traumatic filled year for our family. And now....the page seems to be turning. Turning to a new chapter. One instead filled with joy, thanksgiving, and a return to life as we once knew it. Well, almost. You see, the membership to this "secret club" unfortunately never's lifelong. So, there will always be aspects that have to be dealt with. And without getting too ahead of myself, I have to remember we ARE only 18 mos. out. (although it sure seems like a lifetime!) I know there are no guarantees that Caed's little backpack will stay tucked away. But, for now....WE WILL REJOICE....for the Lord heard our earnest pleas and saw fit to grant our humble requests.
The second bit of exciting news is that Reagan and Caed will be attending public school this year. Yes....I am the proud (and overly emotional) mom who will be sending not 1...but 2 kids off to school for the first time in 12 short days!!!! Most of you probably know that I have home schooled for the last 3 years. It was a decision I felt 100% confident in. It was plain and simple....a CALLING I felt so strongly from the Lord. I can't describe it, but will only say....if you have felt God calling you to do something....then you know how hard it can be to run away from it. And believe me, I tried. From my own personal experience, homeschooling was tough only in the sense that my family was in the great minority. It was difficult always feeling that others looked down on you and this crazy decision you had made for your kids. And yet, Todd and I felt so very passionate about it. I STILL feel passionate about it! But things have changed in our family. They have changed in ways I never would have dreamed. My motto during the last 3 years has always been.....I will continue to do this until the Lord makes it clear otherwise. Well.....I assume you can guess what has happened.
This past year and 1/2 has honestly been the most difficult time of my life. Period. Like all tragic experiences, it hit us blind sighted without any warning....or permission. Our life was full of newness and utter joy the 2 weeks leading up to Caed's illness. We had a brand new baby. Everything was as it should be. But God had a different plan for our family. He wanted to take us to an alternate route. It was an exhausting, uphill climb.....and at times, it seemed this "new trail" had gotten the best of us, and we just couldn't take another step. But like good Fathers do, He picked us up and carried us the entire journey. We are now past the most rigid and difficult parts, and I am so incredibly grateful. This alternate route was hard (no, it was down right excruciating), but totally worth it. He taught us things and revealed His character in ways we would have NEVER seen other wise.
But now.....I feel the need to rest. This is something that I have fought for many months now. I began to see evidences of it physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It was affecting every area of my life. As most of you moms all of the hardest things for us to do is TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES. I believe God naturally gives us that "maternal....nurturing" instinct. The NEED to take care of others. However, I have learned the hard way that we cannot be all we need to be for our families if we ourselves are not "well." I guess the old saying......"If Mama aint happy, aint no body happy" actually rings some truth. This has been one of the toughest decisions I have had to make in a very long time. It has absolutely nothing to do with public school. I, myself have a degree and taught in the public school for several years. It is more the matter of a calling I feel that was placed on my life. God gave me the desire and passion for it! I believe in it wholeheartedly, and yet for many reasons....I also feel 100% that He is calling me out right now. I desperately need this time to simply catch my breath. And to restore a bond that was painfully broken with Caleb. It is something I have had a terribly difficult time admitting, but I need time for ME....time to heal.....and a time to be refreshed. With the way things have been, I was doing my family more harm than good by "toughing it out!" I know there will be critics. Those who do not understand (just like before....when we chose to home school), but I have learned SO much through our experience. One of doesn't matter what anyone else is doing or what their opinion of you what is BEST for your family. Period.
So with ALL that being said.......we have gone school-shopping for the very first time. We have bags filled with all the necessary supplies......crayons, paper, pencils, and glue. And have even had to worry about back-to-school clothes. For some reason, public school doesn't allow you to "do school" in your we were sometimes accustomed to. The kids are excited...and a little nervous. Just like their Mommy. But, Todd and I have a peace about this decision, and know the same God who held us through the "storm" of 2008.....will also be with us through the (Lord-willing) "calm" of 2009!
Trading one model in..............................
for another................!!
Wow, you are right there are some bigs things going on. Overnight feeds are a big improvement and yay for no more backpack!
Sounds like you have made a great decision re school. From one 'sick kid club' member to another I completely understand the need to heal and mend and bond with your youngest. Made it be a blessed time. You are a wonderful mother, such an inspiration.
Wow what a milestone for all of you. I am so glad you have made the decision to take time for yourself, time to slow down and breath. During the most critical time of Caeds illness everyone was focased on him but I did realize and prayed for you too because I knew that one day when things were better that you would finally realize how tired you were, emotionally, spritually and physically. But like you said, MOMs and DADs just keep going for the children and families. I know that Reagan and Caed will do fine in school and knowing you, you will be one of those moms who helps out at school when needed. Take care and give everyone a hug and enjoy your time with Caleb.
Sheri C.
I am sitting here with tears in my eyes as I hear this news! Wow! I am so excited for all of you and will praying for this transition time. You are so wise to see the need for taking some time for Lori, although you are STILL going to be one busy mom---just in different ways! I know that Reagan and Caed will do well and time with just Caleb will be great!
Love to you all,
I am SO excited for all of you in this new exciting step in your life. You are absolutely right--God calls us to things, He calls us from things to other things. You just have to listen and that comes from your close relationship! There will always be people who criticize--they just don't understand--you stick with God--He holds you ALL in His might hands and it is GOOD! I'm so excited for Reagan and Caed--they will thrive! But I'm really excited for you and Caleb--oh it will be such a precious time--something you both need! I'll be so excited to see new posts--Reagan and Caed in school, Caed improving, you and Caleb time--FUN! FUN! I can just see Todds big ole grin!
May God continue to hold you all in the palm of His hand and may He bless you all abundantly!
Hugs and kisses to all
I'm right there with you Lori!! We are going through some huge transitions, too and I know the awkward feeling of it all "ending" and the "sick child club." But this is a great milestone and I'm so stoked for Caed!! Just in time for school!!!! Our God is always good!!
I am thrilled with the news of "no" back-pack, a new adventure in school for Reagan and Caed, a much needed "mommy/Caleb bonding time", and even though you will still be a very busy mommy and wife, a much more refreshing time for you. It has been an incrediable 18 months and now it's time for another change for you all. I was just looking back last night in my journal from last year, to see how far Caed had come, up to this point. Last year, after his birthday, was when he started with his "sleep/not waking problems". And then, y'alls decision to head to Omaha. God has directed, healed and loved thru all this "season" of your lives and HE is still working. I am looking forward to seeing His continued work in Caed and all the family as He blesses in new ways for this coming school year. Love to you all--Grammy
We're behind ya, rooting for ya, Go LORI GO! The words of a former cheerleader, ha!!! We love you and continue to pray for your family!!! He makes all things new...
I'm praising the Lord for how he's answering so many of your prayers...and I'm honestly in awe of your God has used your story all over the globe!!!
Love you all-
Bethany :)
Awesome!!! You know we love you guys! Each one of you (even Caleb now!) has a special place in our hearts! Praise God for he awesome news!
I still love to read your blog and look forward to the new posts. What amazing news! I saw on FB that Caed was through with the back pack, and now he gets another!
Got to see you and the family, from a distance, at the cheer camp pep rally on Thurs. Reagan sure looked cute in her orange and white! I know that God is going to bless the kids and you with amazing teachers this year! You have done an amazing job with them at home. I'm rambling now.... just know that I think you are awesome!
Lori... Your post today is so very powerful and so very true... No one can understand what you are feeling... unless they have walked in your shoes.. Having a sick child changes you forever... for the good and the bad... I too am having some difficulties adjusting to the new normal... why?? I can not figure out. I am hoping in September to re-find a sense of self and get a better handle on my feelings.. Lori, keep the faith... God has seen you through so much. I believe you are making a great decision putting the kids in school. It's time for you to heal and give Caleb some spoiling! You are always in my thoughts and prayers... know that you are not alone in your feelings.. i think their are many of us out their that are feeling the same way...
Only an e-mail away if you need to vent...
Your friend in NY
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