Friday, December 4, 2009

First time for everything...

This evening Reagan was invited to spend the night with one of our neighbors. Caed was right there....listening....and then the dreaded question came which I was hoping to avoid.

Caed : "When will it ever be MY turn to spend the night with someone?"

Me: "...someday soon....."

Caed: "Mommy, don't I get a free night sometimes?" (we have been starting 'Free Fridays' where Caed is not hooked up that night of the a treat)

Me: "Well, actually it's tonight"

Caed: "So can I please please go spend the night too???"

Me: "Caed, it's not polite to invite yourself..."

Caed: "But, PLEASE! They will let me!!!"

I knew he was right. The Owen Family have 4 children of their what's 2 more added to the mix?? ha I decided to toss all rules of courtesy out the window, and call them up. I explained the situation and tried to stress it would just be for the night and to send them back home first thing in the morning. I also knew deep down it was more than just inviting ourselves....but rather a "first" for Caed.

He spent the night with grandparents back in Aug., but only after an extensive training session on his meds and tube feeds. :) But for him....tonight is his very first sleepover!! (no grandparents, but real FRIENDS!) Before he left, he kept asking me what would happen when he needed to get up during the night to go to the restroom (which he does every single night anywhere from 3-5am....due to the tube feedings). We have a monitor set up by his bed so he can call us when he wakes up needing to go. Either Todd or I then have to get up and unhook him. However, tonight I reassured him if he woke up, he could just go by himself since he wouldn't have his feedings going. I could see the nervousness in his eyes and also hear it in the extensive questioning. Reagan also reassured him she would help him during the night if he needed it. Sweet, sweet girl!

We thank you, Owen Family, for loving him the way you do and allowing him to join in (even UNinvited........) ;)

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