Monday, July 22, 2013

Remember First...Rejoice Last

Last week our family was blessed by a much needed, restful, UNeventful, enjoyable vacation.  It had been quite awhile since we had been able to take one, and honestly our FIRST as a family of 5 since Caed's healing.  We chose to head to Orange Beach, AL.  Todd and I had taken 2 youth groups there for Student Life Camp several years ago, and it was absolutely beautiful.

We enjoyed splashing in the ocean, boogie boarding, sailing on a dolphin cruise, swimming in the pool and relaxing in the hot tub.  The kids had a blast.  Todd and I enjoyed just getting away.  Yet one evening while sitting on our balcony eating dinner and listening to the waves roll in, something hit me.  Hard.  I looked at Caed and an image immediately came to my mind.  (picture on the left)  Reagan and Caed were able to come to Orange Beach with us back in '09 (youth camp).  Images of being there in OB...but mixing Caed's tube feeds, hooking him up each night, calling his drs to see if being in the ocean salt water was ok, not allowing him to step foot in the hot tub. It was all so familiar (being there), and yet something so different was overwhelmingly apparent.  (picture on right)

The contrast of these 2 photos is nothing new. We have all seen the change.  The healing.  However for us being in Orange Beach and remembering what life was like the last time we were there was monumental.

It got me thinking:  What does it mean to truly rejoice in something?  Does it just mean you're really happy?  Obviously the answer is no. The foundation of happiness is completely circumstantial.  I believe the foundation of joy is remembrance.  Being happy about something means you are on a surface level.  Truly rejoicing means you have been uniquely touched by God.  You can't help but go to a much DEEPER level.

When sports teams win the big game, I am fairly certain they are not just thinking about the previous 60-90 minutes of play.  I imagine their JOY comes from remembering the awful days of spring training/off season.  The grueling hours of sweat and blood and possible injuries that no one (media) took notice of.  It was the remembrance of all the hard work that led to that "ultimate victory" or Championship.

As a Christian...fortunately there is a little more to it.  Because you see it's not about remembering all the hard work YOU put in.  All YOUR effort.  YOUR strength and endurance that ultimately resulted in a win.  It's remembering your Creator.  HE started this whole thing.....and HE will finish it.  HE is the One able to do what we can not.  HE is God.  And HE willingly suffered the most intense pain and ultimately torturous death  so that WE could stand on the "winner's platform" to receive our UNmerited medals/crowns.

To remember rightly....makes way for true rejoicing.

As I look back at these photographs and reflect on the many more (tough) images in my head, I can hear the Lord say, "Todd and Lori, I'm going to HEAL your son.....not because of any "great faith" you have, but solely because I AM AWESOME!  I am going to let you play a role in what I'm doing....that's ultimately about ME!  Now GO....tell of my wondrous acts!"

To not easy.  It is not fun.  It will not bring "good" thoughts to mind.  To remember should be humbling.  And should reveal our inabilities, inadequacies, and the filth that covers our hearts.  But it's also equally breath-takingly BEAUTIFUL!  To see where you were (dead in sin)...what HE is bringing you through (NEW LIFE in Christ)...and to have the anticipation of where you are ultimately headed (eternity with HIM!)....will bring complete and perfect JOY....regardless of the role(s) He asks you to play while on earth.

"He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and compassionate."  Psalm 111:4

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