Monday, July 30, 2012


Our earthquake occurred in 2008. A minor "aftershock" was felt just this week. Due to these two events that took place over 4 years ago, I finally had to go under the knife myself on Wednesday.

Caed experienced his volvulus 2 1/2 weeks after I gave birth to Caleb. My 3rd c-section. I was forced to "recover" REAL QUICK! Gone were the days of taking it easy. I vividly remember being woken up by the hospital security guards because (heaven forbid) I had fallen asleep on a bench just inside the entrance to the Children's Hospital. A bench. A hard metal bench. Yes, just 3 weeks after having major abdominal surgery myself.  I remember feeling a bit "homeless" after they woke me and forced me to move, but it didn't matter.  I wasn't going to "leave the premises."  Instead I would just go find another vacant corner, chair, or yes, even BENCH to sleep on while my son lay in ICU. 

 But, what else was I supposed to do? "Take it easy!", right?? WRONG! There is not a mother alive that would have parked herself in her EZ Boy recliner (to recover) all the while her child was fighting for his life. The days turned into weeks. The weeks turned into months. And the months turned into years. It was simple.   I delivered Caleb via c-section in Feb. 2008 and did not see a doctor or go back for a checkup until  18 mos. later....  My "recovery" just wasn't priority compared to what Caed was dealing with.

 I still believe that with all my heart today. However...because of those events, I developed an umbilical hernia soon after. Once again, though, who in the world had time to deal with her OWN medical issues? Clearly not me!

That is until earlier this summer when my doctor confirmed that yes I indeed did have this hernia, and "oh by the way....have you ever heard of a VOLVULUS?!?" Apparently hernias gone untreated for a length of time, ((could)) result in a volvulus. Wow. I calmly shared Caed's story as my doctor's eyes bulged and mouth dropped. "So your son should have died that night, huh?" Once again....not always the response I enjoy hearing from medical professionals (unrelated to Caed). But, nevertheless, always a good reminder of God's amazing mercy.  My doc didn't have to talk me into the hernia repair.  An appt. was made immediately (within minutes) with a surgeon.  His "volvulus scare" did just that!!

So, this past week ENORMOUS amounts of empathy have been given to my little HERO. Don't get me wrong. I am fine! Painfully sore, yes. But...I'm not even going to pretend to have gone through even a fraction of ANYTHING Caed has these past 4 yrs. Not even close!!

I'm not sure why anyone is even surprised by this surgery?  We are averaging 1 about every 3 months these days...(with a few ER visits sprinkled in between just to keep us on our toes).  I honestly have to laugh.  If I stop for even a moment to contemplate this past year....the past 4, I just might fall apart.

.....thankful for God's faithful compassion.

It has become the glue holding me together.

1 comment:

Tina Coleman said...

praying for a quick recovery for you! Love and miss you dear friend!