Saturday, May 5, 2012

Peace Be Still

This picture basically sums up my heart and soul these days.  I am feeling the pressures from every side and have recently come to the realization, "I am running in circles.  Nonstop.  Desperately trying to meet all of life's demands.  And yet things, and more importantly people, are suffering from my inability to do so."  None of these things or people are bad.  Nothing is out to get me....intentionally.  But I feel like the rope in a vicious game of tug-of-war.

My body is weary.  So much so it sent me via ambulance to the hospital 3 days ago.  I am fine.  Unfortunately it's just my body's way of saying.....STOP!

Sounds good on paper.  In reality, an impossibility.

I can pin point the 4-5 other times in my life where it got to this point.  In hindsight, I can also track all the causes that led up to it.  To prevent it from happening again is like trying to stop a roller coaster in the middle of the track. 

The answer unfortunately is not as simple as clearing my calendar.  It's just life.  The day in - day out normal things that everyone must do to.....survive.  I also am fully aware it's not just physical exhaustion that has overcome me, but rather....and more importantly, emotional.  I guess in the craziness of this past year, I forgot to refuel the gas tank.  Riding along on "E" eventually catches up to you.

The answer also is not "summer being 15 days away."  Although I have certainly been guilty of thinking so myself.  Even though my job as a teacher gets to go on vacation for 10 weeks, my life doesn't.  Bummer...

My Beacon of Light has been ever so softly whispering to me...

Peace be still.....

Most times I have been too busy to stop and listen.  Really listen to those 3 little words. I guess the Lord's "mysterious ways" also come in the form of hospital admissions to MAKE us take notice.  Five to be exact just this year. 

As much as I wish for some magical formula, or some special vitamin supplement to provide instant's not there.  Nothing the world offers will satisfy.  Only the Word of God which I am clinging to for dear life.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."   Matt. 11:28-30

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