Thursday, November 10, 2011

BIG night!

5 months. That's the last big bath Caed has had. Ever since his gb surgery in June, we have not been allowed to immerse the incision. Finally, today....he got the go ahead to GET WET! This was a big night. Caed was gitty with excitement. He asked me, " mean I can even dunk my head under the water?"

It's easy to take things like this for granted....until they are taken away. We have unfortunately been taught this lesson over...and over....and over these past 3 years. Caed handles them all like a champ. The Lord blessed him with a very easy-going happy personality. He LOVES to laugh and can find something funny in basically any situation. (sometimes can be a downfall....I've found out this year in school) ;)

Caed has been doing excellent. Our only concern has been keeping him "calm." He feels wonderful and acts as though the surgery last Friday never occurred. He had a great checkup this afternoon with Dr. G. We are certainly hoping this is the end of the incision issues. Thank you all again for your continued prayers! They have certainly been felt.


Anonymous said...

So thankful for God's healing and that great "BIG" beautiful that grandson of mine !! Guess the bathtub "rings" will be a common chore around your home...

Anonymous said...

"yeah, they didn't have to cut me on this surgery though" haha .. that was pretty funny! He was definitely feeling himself, straight up working it on the wii dance game!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!!