Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Do I HAVE to go???"

Caed's words as I surprised he and Todd with tickets to tonight's Dallas Cowboy game. Can you believe it? He kept telling us if Reagan couldn't go....he didn't want to either. haha This was part of he and Todd's Christmas gift....just a little late. Not sure he truly had a grasp on how "cool" this gift really was! Maybe when he gets a little older.......

All he wanted for Christmas was football stuff, so....naturally I thought a ticket to an NFL playoff game would just top it off. haha Talked to Todd during halftime and he said Caed was doing great....and loving it! He may not fully appreciate how many people would LOVE to have taken his place, but I'm sure of one thing: he and his Daddy are making a memory!

Lord willing, there will be many more just like it...


Anonymous said...

Great gift for daddy & son--great that the Cowboys won!! A wonderful night for the two of them to bond and make those precious memories. Way to go mommy--you did good!! Love to all--Grammy

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant gift! And just simply love the pic of Todd and Caed! Your little guy is looking so grown up! Does he talk of being a Cowboy someday?