One of my dear best friends, Marilyn....asked me several weeks ago if I would be interested in going to a women's conference with her church from Lubbock. It was in the DFW area, so I jumped on it. It was the Wholehearted Mother Conference (with speaker Sally Clarkson). It was of course wonderful. I always love going to things like this, and feel refreshed and encouraged when I leave.
However....the Lord had different plans for me this weekend.
Saturday morning I woke up with horrible sinus and allergies. I desperately tried to make it through the day, but soon discovered I just couldn't. With the conference going full speed ahead, I disappointedly made my way back to the elevator and to our room. I just couldn't believe I was having to miss it. "The Lord knew HOW MUCH I needed this weekend!!!! Why did He allow my body to get sick now????"
I soon discovered how much He indeed DID KNOW! He knew I needed something different. Sure the speaker(s) were terrific. The other women in our group were seasoned, mature women of God and such great encouragement for me. I needed a powerful message. Corporate worship. Time with one of my best friends. And, I walked into that empty room....I felt HIM!!!! I knew what I needed was simple REST! Time alone.....the first in almost a year. Time to pray. Time to cry. Time to listen. Time to be still.
I thank God for loving me and knowing me like He does. He knew exactly what I needed, and knew the time was now. As incredible as the conference was to the 600 other women in attendance, I thank Him for using it to bring me to that place of solitude. For allowing my body to receive that much needed rest. And for later allowing the special time with my friend to share, cry, and pray. we both needed it!
I also thank my husband for taking time out of his busy schedule to be home and watch the kids. Having all 3 alone is no simple task. With a baby and one with medical can get overwhelming very quickly. He did wonderful. When I walked in late last night, everyone was in bed, and the house was spotless!!!!! Another task not so easy. I love and appreciate so much his willingness to allow me to be away 2 days.
Just another reminder this weekend of how "God ALWAYS knows best!!"
You go Todd!!! Major brownie points there, Buddy! ;)
Lori, glad you were able to rest this weekend...body, soul and spirit. It was just what the "Dr." ordered...Christ is our healer, isn't he? And there's no insurance to bill or anything! Ha! :)
Love you all.
Still check in on your family every time I set down at the computer. Always good to get the updates, please keep them coming. We need to know about the good times and the bad. Praying daily for all from Idalou.
Okay, your faith still moves me to tears. I had so much fun meeting the woman I have admired for the past year. Keep the blogs coming! I will continue to pray for God's blessings on your beautiful family. With Love, Lyndi
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