Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sleepless in Celina

It's currently 4:45 am, and here I am wide awake. I've never been one to struggle with insomnia. Lori loves her sleep and has always needed an extra helping of it. But something is different tonight. The Lord has awoken me with a heavy burden filled heart.

As hard as I tried, I kept running the usual thoughts in my mind. Those truths that I have come to know and love so dearly.

God is in control.........He knows what is best.......TRUST Him......He uses all things to work out His purpose and plan.......It will all be ok.

And yet.....why am I struggling so? Is it satan coming in to not only steal my slumber but also my peace? Or is it GOD? Is He using this to speak to raise some concerns? I have NO clue. And that is why I restlessly sit here in the dark while my family is peacefully asleep.

Dear Lord,
I literally cry out to you tonight! I ask you to reveal Yourself to me. Make your will be known.....and (selfishly) I ask for it to be quick and with clarity. Help me to not worry about others' opinions, to truly seek YOUR will in this manner. my limited understanding I want to cry out "WHY?".......why did it come about this way? It wasn't supposed to be like this! Please help me to stop playing scenarios out in my head that haven't even happened yet. I am worrying about things that may never come about. Oh Lord.....I ask for You to cover me with PEACE. Peace that passes all understanding (just as you did before). I KNOW You are asking me to just rest in YOU! Cover the situation with Your protecting arms and fill this Mommy's heart with peace.


Anonymous said...

As a mother I have had these thoughts many times and truly felt God was wanting my attention. All I could do was say thy will be done and know it was not in my control.I just had to turn it all over to him and know that what ever it was he would take care of.I think it is a parents instinct to think maybe we can control things but deep down know we cannot.
You are still overcoming a year of stress and it takes time to recover. Be patient peace will come again. I will pray for this for your family.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you this morning!

Randall and Heather Cleckler said...

Praying for you Lori! I pray for clarity, understanding, and trust. I pray that He will use you through this struggle. His way is always best. It may take us a lifetime to understand....and even then we might not understand until He tells us face-to-face (what a glorious day that will be!). Rest in Him our dear sister in Christ.


Colleen said...

Hang in their Lori!! Thoughts and prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

Go, GOD!!!!! We are in awe that Caed is down to night time feedings and no back pack during the day! That is amazing!
We are also thrilled for the kids starting public school! Season's change and you are in a new season.
Joseph is dual-enrolled at the jr. high for three subjects and the rest of the time we are still homeschooling. Each school year is a new adventure no matter where you go.
We are so thankful that Caed is doing so well. We do miss seeing you, but we're glad that you don't need to be in NE.
We thoroughly enjoy your photos-you have a gift.


Melissa B said...

God is Good!! Praying for you!