Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our stone

Today is Caed's 7th birthday. As usual it's been a day filled with much joy and celebration, but also great reflection.

I received a comment on my Facebook page today that completely sums up what has been on my heart. (thank you Greg!)

Life is hard. Period. We will all have moments in our lives of peace and joy and prosperity. When all seems right in the world. Then, out of nowhere, those wilderness experiences blindside us and our "perfect" world takes a U-turn. When it rains, it pours, right? It's those times when we question God. Where are You? Why have You allowed this? If You were really a loving God, then______! But, God being God, He doesn't leave us in that place forever. He IS loving and faithful, and He leads us into the valleys for a specific appointed purpose. Just for US! Yes, it's painful. Yes, we will initially fight it with every fiber of our being. But, if we can only trust and hold fast to HIM.....He will in His prefect timing, lead us back to the mountain top stronger than before. I believe our lives are like a roller coaster. Up and down....up and down...over and over and over. Sometimes we may have many years of favor and blessing before the darkness hits again, or sometimes we may feel we are having to live in the valley for FAR TOO LONG and plead with Him for mercy and deliverance.

Right now....I feel that my family (specifically the health of Caed) is high upon the mountain. We suffered for what seemed like an eternity, and now we are seeing the light. The glorious light of a normal family of 5.....enjoying life! I obviously cannot foresee the future, and have NO idea what lies ahead for each one of us. But, I DO know that we are not "out of the woods." Hard times will definitely strike again in some unknown way. Instead of living in fear, we must cling to His past faithfulness!

I am reminded of the story in Joshua where the nation of Israel crossed the Jordan. The Lord told the people to gather 12 stones from the riverbed and set them at the place where they would stay. The reason? So that when future generations saw those stones and asked what they meant, they could retell the story of His amazing faithfulness so many years before and stand as a memorial to the people of Israel forever!

We have a stone. It's roughly 4 ft. tall and weighs approx. 45 lbs. It has a contagious laugh and is FULL of life. Although hooked to a machine, it is sleeping soundly right now under our very own roof. It is likely dreaming of football, baseball, being the star drummer in a band, or fighting off evil with his super hero friends. It is a reminder to us of a God who still performs miracles. Of a God who never let us go as we faced the most frightening days and months we had ever experienced. This God lavished us in an ocean of MERCY. He held every tear we ever cried. And answered our pleas for healing. He didn't have to. He would be perfectly just and holy and loving and faithful and merciful had we buried Caed in 2008. Yet we undeservingly were spared.

To this day I still carry a photograph (of my stone) in my Bible as a reminder of this very thing.

When times get hard, when things happen that we don't understand, or when we plea with Him for deliverance.......all we have to do is look no further than our stone. It is a reminder to Todd and I of a God who IS faithful! Who IS in control! Who loves us enough to not only hear our prayers but answer them! And who will carry us ever so tightly all the days of our life....whether high upon the mountain, in the deepest cavern, or simply wandering the desert.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matt. 28:20)

We love you more than words could ever describe! You are our joy! And we count it an awesome privilege to be your parents. May the Lord continue His favor on your life and may you grow to know Him as your Savior and Lord. We pray God will use you, your infectious personality, and the gifts He's given you to honor HIM!!! You have a story to do it with boldness and the way only "The Caed-Man" can!!!


Anonymous said...

Seeing your precious, vivacious son; one forgets the long, winding path that he has taken. The days when I rushed to the computer to see how he was doing are a distant memory. Reading your blog today, I am reminded of the gifts the Lord has given you. You are blessed to have Caed in your home and you are blessed with a gift of the written word.
I hope one day when you have that elusive thing called "time" that you will consider publishing; whether it be a guide to living with an ill child or a full-blown novel! I am sure it would be a success!
Many blessings to your wonderful family, Audra

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post!! We praise God that He granted the great honor and joy of knowing you all and walking part of this journey with you!! May God bless Caed with many many more years of health! We love you all dearly.
Carol for us both

Colleen said...

Happy Birthday Caed!!

Lori, he truly is a blessing and you truly were blessed with his outcome. Although the road was not an easy one... to see Caed thriving and loving life reminds us miracles do happen!!!
May God continue to bless Caed and your family.. and may your days ahead be filled with HEALTH!!

GERM season is coming remember good hand washing!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

What a great testimony to God your journey has been. Caed is living proof today that miracles still happen and that God is in control and has a plan for each of us.

Anonymous said...

WOVE YOU CAED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):p

Anonymous said...

HELLO CAED ITS CARLIE SAYING I WOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p:):d:o