Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here it goes....

I honestly can't believe I'm writing this post. The Lord began laying it on my heart about 9 months ago, and I have continually pushed the thought away or told him "You're crazy!" But, just like God works, when He wants you to do something....He won't let it go. I have had many dreams about it, think about it many times throughout the course of my day, and have finally run out of excuses. So, here it goes......

I have officially begun writing a BOOK! Oh my....did I really just admit that? The thought alone scares me to my core. And at the same time, I have such peace and excitement that is just waiting to be released. For me....making this official "announcement" is my way of finally letting go. I have held on and pushed this "absurd thought" far away into the deep dark corners of my heart for long enough.

Now, for the big confession. I have absolutely NO idea the first thing involved in trying to write a book! I have told you before how much I loathe the whole writing-process-thing we learned in school. I'm fairly certain I consistently break all the rules when it comes to writing. I have no idea how am I going to do this....when I will possibly find the time to do it.....nor what the end result will look like. However, once again, I have a peace that is unexplainable.

Just asking for prayer as I embark on this new adventure, and for you to hold me accountable.

(The Lord gave me the title to the book this past spring when a good friend of mine was battling breast cancer. I will save that....but have posted this picture I took as a little hint.)

Love you ALL! I thank many of you and your perpetual "nagging" over the course of the last 2 years. I believe the Lord has used it to speak to me and get me to take this giant leap of faith.


Nancy Rawls said...

Wow, you have missed your calling. Your words are touching and inspiring. Keep it up and good luck with what the future holds.

Anonymous said...

Lori, I am not surprised! God has given you the gift of words and a story to tell that will glorify Him! I am inspired by your take it past a fleeting thought or idea....and put it out there. The process and the result will be amazing! Love you friend! amy o

Unknown said...

Wonderful - glad you are plugged in - everything will turn out beautifully!! Thanks for sharing.

TQOE said...

I am amazed & thrilled & inspired by what you are doing! I have been encouraged by several people to write a book about what I have been through, but still am not to a point where I feel ready to do so.
I keep saying I am waiting because I don't thing the journey is over, but I am sure that part of it is just getting over the fear of putting all my feelings out there & basically going through them all again.
I know that you will do an amazing job with the book.
By the way, I actually have worked professionally as an editor, so if you ever want me to do some proofing for you, I'd be happy to.
This, you, Caed & your story is inspiring!
Prayers for you & yours!
Be Blessed!!!

Anonymous said...

Lori, I am so excited! You are going to do a great job! You have such a special way of expressing your thoughts and feelings. Love you, Libby

Cynthia Kucera said...

Lori, you have always been an inspiration and I just know the end result will be as remarkable as the person who wrote it, I will pray for you!

Love, Cynthia Kucera

Anonymous said...

Can't wait!

Christy said...

Will be praying for this new journey! I have been hoping for this possibility for you. Your way with words amazes me! Lord Bless!!!!

Megan said...

So happy you put this "out there". I'll continue to pray for time, energy and grace for your efforts. So excited for you! Love you

Carolyn said...

Boy, do I understand where you are! The Lord had me write a Bible study a few years ago and I said the same thing. How do I write a book??? Well, this is how I wrote a book... I followed the Lord and HE wrote it for me! Honest! That's how it came to be a book. Just listen to Him and He will put the words on your page. You will be amazed beyond belief. He will edit it all and you will end up with the most amazing book. You'll do great! I can hardly wait to read it. Have the published put it on Kindle too!!! As always. Praying for each of you.
In His great love,
Carolyn O'Cain

Randall and Heather Cleckler said...

ME TOO!!!! Maybe we can hold each other accountable. I've been putting it off for over 2yrs!!!! Let's keep in touch and be book "mates" together!!!!

Heather in Florida

Bethany said...

Ya, I'm just now seeing this...shows you how much I've been on the computer lately! Ha! ;) Let me just say, "YAY!!!" I can't wait to read this book...Paul's sister has one coming out in about 1-2 weeks as well. I'm sure she'd be full of good advice...if you want her info, just let me know! Even there, God will guide you! Keep me posted. Love ya!