Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What would March be without a trip to our local hospital?

Where to begin......

I guess I'll pick up from our last post. Because Caed has been doing SO well (also known as the "IRP Rockstar" in NE) and since we were soooo close to our goal on enteral feeds, we decided to go ahead and "pull the plug" and stop our nightly hookup routine. He did GREAT, and his output (nice word for poop) was even better!! I knew it! He is ready and can do it!!!

Several days into our experiment we began to notice some behavioral issues with Caed (mentioned those in previous post). Just very out of the ordinary and seemingly a bit coincidental....or what is? NE called with his latest blood work and said his CO2 was down. (which might explain some of his symptoms) They have told us when your CO2 is really low, you might feel like you're having a hang-over. Remember back when we had lots of trouble waking Caed up (1 1/2 yrs. ago)? LOW CO2!!!

However, last week during Spring Break I began to see yet another symptom, but this time....one that always causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand at complete attention. PAIN! He would be fine....totally normal.....practicing up his Nacho Libre moves on Grandaddy....and then get a certain look in his eye....and come to me whimpering of stomach ache. (generally about 30 minutes after eating) I would take him to the potty and that would do the trick. Yet....going from 1-2 stools/daily to 5-6.....and pain after every meal.....was very disturbing for us!!!!

Something was up! And Mama's instincts were on high alert!

Yesterday when I picked Caed up from school, he seemed very tired and unusually quiet. After getting Reagan (and friend), we drove on over to Sonic to celebrate Haley's 1st day at Celina School. Both girls wanted ice cream....and after Caed responded (in a whispering voice) that he only wanted water......I knew! We barely made it home. He began crying so hard. He literally flew out of the car into the restroom, and then cried himself to sleep afterward. I immediately called Todd and NE...and we began formulating a plan. We didn't think it warranted an ER visit (been there....done that), but knew we needed to get an x-ray and labs sometime this week. I even talked with our good friend/GI dr in Lubbock and were making plans to see him. When Todd got home, we knew we needed to get Caed up and moving (didn't want CO2 to get the best of him), so they headed off to McKinney to run a few errands. I continued to make plans for dr./x-rays/lab.....when I received "the call."

"Lori, I don't think we can make it back to Celina....he's hurting too bad.....we need to find a hospital!"

I have always been with Caed throughout this whole ordeal. Right by his side. Comforting. Consoling. Trying to get him through whatever was wrong. This time I couldn't. I was on the opposite end. I could hear the cries. The pleas for help. And yet was so far away....and utterly helpless. I ran to our neighbor's house (whose wife had just had breast cancer surgery that morning.....BAD TIMING!!!). They took over (with Caleb) without any hesitation...and off I went.

OH.....to be that parent.....putting your hazard lights on.....speeding through the city....all the while your mind racing at double speed. I cried. I prayed. I pulled myself together only to fall apart again at the next light..... Finally, I was there. I saw him. He was ok! Scared to death. But ok. Much different from our ER experience 2 yrs. ago!

They started him on an IV.....drew blood....and took a couple of x-rays. (all within lightning speed of 4 hours...ha!) The x-rays showed nothing of great concern (obstructions, etc...), however....the dr. said probably a contrast study of bowel is what we would need to really know what's going on. yuk! Don't like those. His labs came back ok....other than elevated white blood cell count. (still not sure what the cause of this is) and also some ketones found in urine. We were sent home around midnight.

Our course of action now is to go back to all enteral feeding/meds......just like he was. His body simply may not be quite ready to do all this on his own yet. Which is fine....but such a let down to me. For anyone who is around Caed at all.....you can attest to his "normal-ness!!!" You would never, ever know anything was ever wrong with him. I guess I too fell into that trap and thought he was doing better than he really was. Caed has a chronic condition...and one that may need the help of feeds and other meds for a long time. We just had our hearts set on g-tube being GONE by summer. I honestly have my doubts now. It just may take a little while longer......and that's ok!

As we left the hospital last night, Caed wanted to ride with Mommy (as usual). Before even getting out of the parking lot....he was out! Completely exhausted. I sat looking at him in the rear view mirror and thanking God (once again) for hearing my cries for mercy. Pleading with Him for Caed to be ok. All 3 of my children lay sound asleep in their beds right now. It's a gift!! An absolute precious gift that I do not take lightly.

Thank you ALL for your rapid response last night. The sound alarmed and the troops were sent out immediately! Again....we were overwhelmed by the love, support, and especially PRAYERS for our little boy during such a scary night. Thank you Samantha, Becca, and Christa for allowing me to simply grab my purse and rush out the door. I never once worried about Caleb....knowing he was being well-taken care of. You were evidence again of God being in control....even down to the tiniest 2 yr. old detail!!!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)


Anonymous said...

Wow! And praises to our God and for His people who pray and help in time of need!! Prayers from NE!
Carol and Cork

Tina Coleman said...

Brought tears to my eyes! I remember this long journey! I'm praying that this is all just a small bump in the road,that our Caed is fine, for peace for his mama and daddy! God is SO good and He's held you all in the palm of His hands and he still does and He's awesome! Hang in there and just know that there are so many people who love you and pray for you daily!

Hugs and kisses
love you all

Anita said...

My goodness, what to say! What an ordeal. I am really sorry things haven't gone to plan, totally bites when that happens. Glad you have people to support you. Hugs and prayers

smorris said...

I am so glad that things are better today. Continually praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Still praying for Caed each day along with Aria.Bumps are what we grow on. May they be small and overcome quickly.Still praying.

Anonymous said...

Tears in my eyes as I'm reading this, but thankful that your hospital trip was the opposite of the first one. Will continue to pray for Caed. (And for you guys!)
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that he is not ready to got off all feeds yet :/ but he has come so far, to be off TPN is soooo BIG, one fine day he will get his g-tube off.